Sunday 9 June 2024

Our New Prime Minister Clown!

Prime Minister Clown!

Jamaica has a Prime Minister Clown. His first action is to lock down the transportation system on Monday. I am sure many commuters and decent taxi drivers want the booguyaga, butu drivers to be off the roads permanently. This man has the temerity and the gall to ask the suffering public who they have no respect for, to support them. You take us fi kunumunu. 

These drivers have accumulated hundreds of tickets and you want to bully the people and its government into wiping your slates clean? Take them off the roads and let the decent taxi drivers remain on our streets.

Click on the icon below and listen to the video. Let me know what should be done with someone like this.


booguyaga means worthless in patois, butu means one has no social graces or manners and a Kunumunu is a fool.



It's Just a Click


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Micspen said...

It's a Democracy man free fi talk and take action in their own interests thats real politics.
We need more people like him whether we agree or disagree with his approach or not.
Activism welcomed.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You are right! We are also free to criticize him :)

Anonymous said...

Take his license first and give him a very long no movement . I don't understand them, they want to continue breaking the law and killing people off and no consequences? And ender decent taxi drivers from earning, they are very rude, they behave as if the country is under their control .let's see how this plays out

Anonymous said...

Well every time they make a demand the Govt gives them what they want so why not keep demanding?

Anonymous said...

So is only transport operator get ticket? Why govt meeting with them alone? What haopen to the rest of us drivets?

Anonymous said...

Well said😁

Anonymous said...

We will not sit by and let these idiots feel like people must back them in there wrong I bet you he is one of the problem one some of them fi come off the road and go weed grass and dig yam hill plant yam

Anonymous said...

Good day all. Vernon I respect you, but how you start by insinuating classism with words such as disparaging words as booguyaga, butu.
I don't know the gentleman. Do you?
How many of any traffic tickets has he racked up? Is he operating contrary to the transportation law? I listened to his message and I read your response.
He started by saying good morning and he spoke in a clear manner with no expletives.
People don't be fooled. Who is the real butu here? It is imperative that you now yourself then you will know who are the real wolfs in sheepskin.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. At last, someone who thinks for themselves and not be easily duped.
There is hope after all.🇯🇲

Vernon Derby said...

When as a consumer you suffer at the hands of some of these drivers you would not worry about class. Many of dem is eena the wos class. Most of the drivers in the public sector who I relate to, want these butu drivers off the road. Target the problem I only highland the problem. The situation that poor people have to face with some of these drivers is terrible. My heart is with the poorer class of people because those who have money only have to deal with their bad driving on our roads.

Anonymous said...

It is not difficult to find out who the person is. He is from the west.

Anonymous said...

That is a jackals without tail . Why disrupt decent lawbiding citizens lives because of indiscipline and lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

You are so correct . Why would any one listen to this illiterate fool bet he bought his license.They need to lock him and others up if the prevent people from going about their lawful business .

Anonymous said...

This is Vernon's page he has the right to express his opinion You are dunce and a semi- illiterate but just like him.Hopw when your family member of friend is hindered from seeking medical attention you won't have anything to say in the mean time STFU

Anonymous said...

Yet we all want a better Jamaica. It's not gonna happen if there are no consequences for lawlessness. If you do the crime, don't be a the time....face the music. Your license MUST be taken away if you are lawless. Do we want a Haiti situation? How many people must die on the road before we get it? With democracy & freedom comes great responsibility and it is clear that you & people who think like you got no home training.

Anonymous said...

Persons are wondering what is the name of the gentleman trying to incite a lock down of the country so that production time is lost and we all suffer as a result. Check who is Outa Road in Montego Bay. Do some research on him and then let us know if Mr. Derby is wrong in putting him into a special class!

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