Saturday 8 June 2024

Transportation Lock Down on Monday in Jamaica?

Information is circulating on social media that some public transport operators plan to shut down the transportation system on Monday, June 10, 2024. This strike action is not being supported by the leadership of most transport operators.

Commuters must be prepared for any challenges. They should not allow anyone to bully them, or prevent them from heading to work and taking their children to school next week.

The security forces should be prepared to deal with any unusual activities on Monday. 

Statement from Egeton Newman - President of TODDS:

Statement from Deon Chance - St. James Taxi Association:

Raymond Bynes - President of the All Island United Route Taxi Association:

Press Release from Island Traffic Authority - 2024/06/06:




Hon. Daryl Vaz

The Ministry of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport became aware of the concerns raised by public transport operators regarding the resumption of the suspension of driver’s licences based on the accumulation of demerit points.


Portfolio Minister, The Honourable Daryl Vaz, mandated that a meeting be held with public transport group leaders and state agencies to hear the concerns. That meeting was held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 and a comprehensive discussion was had. The Island Traffic Authority is in receipt of a joint submission from four groups clearly outlining the concerns.


The concerns were recorded and submitted to Minister Vaz, who, after being apprised of the issues, advised that another meeting be held, to examine the offences under the Road Traffic Act, specifically those that attract demerit points. This meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the Transport Authority’s Head Office at 119 Maxfield Avenue, Kingston 10.


The examination of the offences will be spearheaded by the Chairman of the Transport Authority, Managing Director of the Transport Authority, Director General of the Island Traffic Authority and the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of the Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.


Following the examination of the offences, recommendations will be submitted to the Ministry for consideration and inclusion in the broader review of the Road Traffic Act, 2018, currently being undertaken to facilitate amendments. 



It's Just a Click


Be a part of a group to get emergency information first.


Anonymous said...

People have a right to peaceful protest!

Anonymous said...

The whole traffic ticketing system is a government perpetrated backdoor taxation scam to rake in money for a few.
This is the type of governance they want to embed with being a Republic.
Bring back colonialism as Janaica was a civilized place then.
Since the take over of Jamaica by Kingston based quasi colonialism all hell bruk lose.
Note that the year of independence Jamaica had 63 murders then the year Jamaica celebrated 60 years of Independence in 2022 Jamaica had 1498 murders.
The Republic concept sounds good but will we become another Haiti?.The murder rate per 100000 in Jamaica is 52 higher as Hatians at 13 fear becoming another Jamaica.
Haiti has 11 million people as Jamaica is 3 million so the actual number if murders in Haiti may be more than Jamaicas
Yes it could because presently this country is a total corrupt mess and the mess will become more intense as a Republic.
Park your cars for a week or two get around by public transportation snd get a feel of the real Jamaica with 1.1million vehicles on the roads.

Anonymous said...

So they already have a meeting with the transport Minister and the next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 11,2024. So why would there need to be a lock down of the transport system. There seems to be some serious undermining going on. However; is that really necessary to the Island of Jamaica at this time. I honestly think this is very senseless and very reckless. Come on my people! We do Not need this type of behavior this time around 🤔.

Anonymous said...

I hope they resolve the issues soon👹

Anonymous said...

It's election pending and the coots are let loose to make one side look bad or to have the other look bad. Jamaicans have never fought for their issues. Always going for somebody else to do it for them.

Anonymous said...

This country becomes lawless almost everyone want to do their own thing country need proper governance and the people also need to abide by the law of the land.

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