Saturday 29 June 2024

Road Crashes In Jamaia a National Crisis - TODSS

The Following is a Press Release from TODSS - 2024/06/29: 

Egeton Newman

The Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODSS) is calling on the government and the Chairman of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) to recognize that road fatalities are close to becoming a national crisis. 

With 200 fatalities in 180 days, it is a clear indication that the country is close to a Road Fatality Crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency.  As we close National Road Safety Month 2024 the TODSS organization and by extension the public transport sector call on the Most Hon Prime Minister who chairs the NRSC to release the requested funding to the NRSC to undertake the necessary public education campaign needed to reduce this major problem. 

If we believe implementing the New Road Traffic Act is the answer to the present crisis on our roads, we should think again,  A national public education campaign is what we now need. 

We need road cameras, police cameras, road fixtures, safe roads, and safe vehicles, and we need more education for the population about road safety, to reduce the spilling of blood, on our streets. 


It's Just a Click



Anonymous said...

They drive so carelessly on the road😁

Anonymous said...

Boys will be's called EGO and INDISCIPLINE this is the problem with these crashes on the roads. He can always talk about calling on Government...what more can Government do when each one tells one with a flash that police is ahead. Too much corruption amongst ourselves then we blame the authorities that be.

Anonymous said...

We need to lock up the commissioners and persons at the driving depots that continue to sell driver's many persons buy dem licence without even ever reading the road code book.

Anonymous said...

It has been awhile but arent operators and taxi drivers the main culprits? Well, along with general indicipline and badmanship?

Anonymous said...

This crisis has been with us for decades now. Ever since we got rid of JOS and it was replaced with this free for all, is pure madness on the roads. Problem with us is that when we introduce something we don't evaluate and make changes, instead we find ways to institutionalise it even more. The hustling culture that we call public transportation ingrained an attitude of recklessness and selfishness among drivers. This soon spill over to the rest of the population as it is easier to adopt bad habits than it is to instill good ones. What needs to happen is we need to replace the hustlers in the transportation system with more structured operations involving a few players who would employ drivers who get a set salary and benefits such as uniform, health insurance, vacation, sick leave etc. When this is done, drivers are far less inclined to behave recklessly to earn their livelihood.

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