Tuesday 11 June 2024

Statement From Minister Daryl Vaz on Transport Operators and Strike Action


Minister Daryl Vaz

Some transport operators are expected to be off the roads today. It is expected that there will be a reduced impact on the travelling public.

Later today I hope to get an update on about the meeting Minister Vaz and the transport operators.

Statement from Minister Daryl Vaz



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Anonymous said...

If them would a follow the road code n drive in an orderly way instead of being boorish bullied an pigs then they wouldn’t haffi a fret bout draconian traffic act!! That goes gif all other else motorists!! I’m therefore totally unsympathetic about their restlessness and desire to strike!! LAW N ORDER MUST SUPERCEDE flagrant disregard for law n order!!

Anonymous said...

There should be order in every family, in every neighborhood, and in every country. The Law is also behaving in a very disrespectful manner. Whenever their friends fly pass, them no stop them. They are turning speed of their friends or the speed of the vehicle that fly pass before and stopping you. To tell you that you were going 120 miles per hour🤷. Like seriously! Then if I was going so fast as the officer says. How could I stop with such ease right at his feet looking into their faces. Them need to start charging these police officers or should I say rouge cop's. Too much evil inside the police force. That is why the society stay like this. If the police officers put away their dirty nasty ways of doing their duties. You will see a transform Jamaica tomorrow. Not even thief would want to thief anymore, because the bribe have to cut out and the love of God flood in. It needs those in uniform to start taking their duties more serious. Knowing that they can make life better or cause death🤔.

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