Friday 16 August 2024

Jamaicans For Justice You Are Over-Reacting Again!

Mickel Jackson - Executive Director, JFJ

Earlier this year, I wrote about Jamaica For Justice's strange comments about the principal of a high school dealing with the challenge posed by two female students seen kissing in a video. Jamaica For Justice said its statement was based on news media reports. That story about the Principal became a nine-day wonder. The principal was falsely accused by many Jamaicans. That school board chairman is still around?

We are now hearing about JFJ getting excited because the Prime Minister publicly told the criminals what to expect. when they take on a life of violent crime. I cannot quote the PM verbatim but he said these criminals should face the judge or their maker.

Many of us would have liked the PM to say you live by the gun then you will die by the gun. The Prime Minister would be a madman to tell the police officers to go out there and shoot innocent people. I would be the first one to call the PM an idiot.

JFJ must be careful how it takes on political leaders. Wear clear spectacles not green or orange.

JFJ should look more at educating the people about their rights and helping them to fight for their rights rather than getting involved in what could morph into a political cass cass between the government and this NGO. The JFJ needs the support of Jamaicans.

Jackass sey di worl' no level!





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Anonymous said...

JFJ has always supported criminals no matter how henious the crime. They have never extended sympathy or counseling to the victims and their families. They need to change their perspectove of justice and educate the criminal elements they support about the rights of others, the effects of their criminal activities, as well as how to turn their negative energies into productive energies and contribute to the building of better society.

Anonymous said...

The question are, what is the cause of crime and so much violence in our society and what is the mandate of JFJ?

Anonymous said...

Stupid, idiotic commentary. What kind of State wants to descend to the level of criminals? Who wants to live in such a State? Perhaps Jamaican politicians should stop protecting criminals and criminal begaviors? Many of whom are actively among their ranks. Jamaicans should stop promoting criminals and crimunal behaviors at all levels. The Human Rights defenders are trying to hold us all to the highest standards of good behaviors. They are standing between a distrssed population and a State that is one step away from becoming (remaining) an autocracy run by unindicted criminals.

Anonymous said...

I agree JFJ is not about education of the public to follow the law ⚖ of the land. This is so sad when the GOD LAWS, the prophets and the spirit does not play a part in this nonprofit organization practice

Anonymous said...

I'm against death penalty, because the ones without a good lawyer will go to be hanged - and it's not our right to take life....... God gives it and will take the PM and his Minister endorsing the police to become murderers !?

Everett Green said...

You begin by criticizing the commentary as stupid and idiotic and follow up with your own stupid idiotic commentary. It is the states responsibility to rid the society of criminals. There are two sets of criminal in the society, violent and non-violent, the security forces are not being armed with guns and ammunition at tax payers expense to shoot to miss or wound when they come in contact with violent criminals. JFJ is questionable at the very least because I am yet to hear them come out against the utterances or actions of criminals. Singapore, New York and Chicago got to where they are today because they took a no nonsense approach to violence producers and met violence with extreme prejudice. We the tax payers finance the training, arming and salaries of the security forces with one outcome in mind - rid us of criminals with violence producers priority one. If you are a violence producers, your best bet is to change your life.

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