Friday, 13 September 2024

Minister Vaz's Press Release - Death of Leroy Smith at Sangster International Airport

Press Release From Minister of Science, Energy, Telecommunications & Transport - 20240913

Hon. Daryl Vaz

The Emergency Incident

We are deeply saddened by the report that on September 4, 2024 a tragic incident occurred at the Sangster International Airport (SIA), where a passenger collapsed and subsequently passed away.

Having requested detailed reports from MBJ Airports Limited (MBJ) the operator of SIA, and the Airports Authority of Jamaica (AAJ) which has concession oversight responsibility, which includes review of the CCTV footage of this unfortunate incident I can now state the following:

At approximately 11:11am on Wednesday, September 4th 2024, Mr. Leroy Smith, a prospective passenger of JetBlue fell while standing inside the Ticketing Concourse at SIA.

The incident was promptly reported to the staff at the airport, and emergency protocols were activated. MBJ took immediate action by deploying the on-site Hospiten contracted medical personnel stationed at the airport, which arrived on the scene at approximately 11:19am and commenced rendering medical assistance including CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Efforts were made between 11:22 a.m. and 11:24 a.m. to call for ambulance service from the Jamaica Fire Brigade and Cornwall Regional Hospital which proved unsuccessful.

The Hospiten contracted offsite ambulance service was called at 11:28 a.m. and the ambulance personnel arrived on the scene at 11:45 a.m. Despite these efforts, Mr. Smith’s condition did not improve, and he was subsequently pronounced deceased inside the undertaker’s vehicle at approximately 12:39 p.m. by Doctors who arrived from the Ministry of Health.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to Mr. Smith’s family during this difficult time.

Following the September 4 incident, I have ordered an immediate review of the MBJ Airport Limited’s emergency and safety protocols to include their off-site ambulance arrangements. I have also instructed that steps be taken to have an ambulance and a doctor on site pending the completion of the review. These measures have been implemented prior to the dissemination of this statement and the ambulance is now located at the airport.

“21 years with no review of the ambulance arrangements is unacceptable and inexcusable. I became Minister in 2023 and I can assure the Jamaican public and our visitors that I have ordered a review to be done immediately. The expansion of the airport and increased staff and passengers should have mandated that this be done. I have ordered A full review and instructed that the management takes action to immediately ensure they have an ambulance and a Dr on location pending the completion of the review and presentation their findings and recommendations,” Minister Vaz stated

SIA Emergency Response Provisions and Regulatory Standards

MBJ has asserted that they are in compliance with all local regulations and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards for the provision of medical services at SIA, examples of which are outlined in the extracts from relevant publication as detailed below:


6.42 Contracting States, in cooperation with airport operators, shall ensure that international airports maintain and regularly assess health-related facilities and services, including first-aid attendance on site, and that appropriate arrangements are available for expeditious referral of the occasional more serious case to prearranged competent medical attention.

Jamaica Civil Aviation Regulations (JCARS) 2012 Twenty-Third Schedule

23.073 Article (g) An international airport operator shall ensure that he maintains facilities for first aid attendance on site, and that appropriate arrangements are available for expeditious referral of the occasional more serious case to pre-arranged competent medical attention


       Aviation Industry Guidance information on Medical Emergencies at Airports

The following extracts provide guidance and procedural information pertaining to the provision of emergency medical service and medical care at an airport.

All airports are required to have an Emergency Plan. Each airport emergency plan will be peculiar to its size, location, aircraft size and operations, on-airport emergency medical facilities and mutual aid responders or off-airport emergency medical facilities and mutual aid responders, etc.

MBJ has also asserted that the medical emergency provisions that are in place at SIA, are in compliance with ICAO standards, and JCAA regulations, which are maintained through a contractual outsourcing with Hospiten. These provisions include:

  1. A dedicated private healthcare service (Hospiten), employing trained and certified medical practitioners. The nurses are stationed at SIA, while Doctors are on-call.
  2. An ambulance service that is on all with response time of no more than 7-10 minutes.

MBJ has also asserted that its provision of medical services are at no cost to its passengers and airport users, and therefore disassociates itself from any reports of attempts to obtain payment for these services.

The airport also maintains corporation arrangements with local municipal emergency response organizations such as the Cornwall Regional Hospital and the Jamaica Fire Brigade.

While the above provisions are in compliance with the relevant standards, MBJ has now taken the added step to enhance its emergency response by amending its contractual arrangements to now provide a fully manned ambulance stationed at the airport during operational hours ie 7:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m. which commence on September 11, 2024.

These immediate steps are intended to enhance emergency protocols and medical response capabilities at SIA in accordance with local regulations and international standards.  As a follow on to these measures, the protocols for medical provision and emergency response at SIA will undergo an overall review.

Our priority is to ensure the highest standards of safety and responsiveness in all emergencies. We will continue to update you as we complete our review and implement necessary improvements.





Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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1 comment:

  1. That should have been done long ago. Thanks anyway, better late than never


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