Friday 13 September 2024

Prime Minister Andrew Holness Now Has His Doctorate Degree

Prime Minister, Andrew Holness

Congratulations to Prime Minister Andrew Holness for attaining the Doctorate Degree.

Many of us continue the tradition of putting the Dr first. We say, Dr The Most Honourable Andrew Holness. We need to change that. The highest title should come first. We do that with titles after one's name therefore the same principle should apply for those titles before one's name.

We should say:

The Most Honourable, Dr Andrew Holness ON, PC, MP.

What do you think of my suggestion?


Anonymous said...

Yes it sounds good😁

Anonymous said...

Suggest: Dr. The Most Honourable Andrew Holness ........etc

Anonymous said...

Congratulations the most honourable Dr Andrew Holness

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the most honourable Dr Andrew Holmes

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Mr Derby
The highest title first

Anonymous said...

With all of those titles and still not able to manage the affairs of a small country.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Derby. Heartiest congratulations to the best PM yet we have had ! Ignore BAD Mind!

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

All the accolades in the world can't save this poor excuse of a leader.
Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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