Friday 4 October 2024

PSOJ Wheel and Come Again


We must create  opportunities to make Emancipation and Independence a reality for the African descendants of slavery in Jamaica. They make up 98% of the population owning less than 5% of Jamaica.

The PSOJ mainly a 2% of the population of non black people owning 95% of Jamaica wanting to shroud Emancipation and Independence into one nonsensical "dancehall" concept/word EMANCIPENDENCE.

They may as well call it MARKETPENDENCE or CAPITALISMPENDENCE you choose. Jamaicans should have none of it as Independence or Emancipation cannot be about song,dance, selling eating and wearing foreign items. Aimless noise, drunkenness, illiteracy and whining up to poverty, landlessness, homelessness and squatting. That cannot be it.

Just another ruse for the owners of the Jamaican economy to deepen their economic and political power .

Why not the PSOJ push a kind of JAMAMAICANISM. We then strive to manufacture, produce, eat, drink, read and wear Jamaican.

Where are the spirits of the Asheniems, DeCordovas some of those who started the Gleaner newspaper in 1834  before Emancipation in 1838. The spirit of the Denoes,Geddes,Kellys,Henriques,Faceys some pioneers of a dying or dead manufacturing sector.

Jamaica needs a PSOJ that leads productively. Not one engaging in pyramid scheme type money juggling,legal scamming, buying and selling foreign goods as the country descends into chaos, decadence and prosperous disorder. 

Private Sector Of Jamaica(PSOJ) wheel and come again with nationalistic ideas of substance. Not a bigger dancehall session leave that to Adijah 'Vybz Kartel' Palmer, Beenieman, Joe Bagonavich and other music producers.

Contributed by

mics 🖊 pen


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Editors Note
I remember when I was a JCDC Board Member, Mr. Hugh Nash's response to this Emancipendence idea over a period of time as rubbish. During that time we went back to Indepence Day and Emancipation celebration.

Before we start worrying about holidays there is far more we can do to improve productivity in Jamaica. For example, ban the importation of 60 cycle electrical equipment. Move full speed ahead with modernization of all business and ensuring that we computerize most of the operations. This would reduce the time many of us spend on the phone trying to get organizations. 

Put more things online so that would reduce the need to go to offices. Have a well organized transportation system which moves people on time and at a faster rate. We should find out the cost for the time spent calling business places, the time spent at government and private sector offices, the time spent in traffic commuting to and from work, this could run into billions of dollars annually. The PSOJ should probably commission a study of these matters and give this holiday idea a holiday for now.

Please add your comments to the blog below. It will make a difference in showing the Power of People Power.


CHAYIL said...


Anonymous said...

Promote Nationalism and Vision 2030. The People need to keep front & centre where we are coming from. Emancipate from mental slavery & bondage!!

Micspen said...

A fact is that he who has economic power has real political power so the PSOJ could very well have their way.
Political parties are part of their socio economic and political tool kit with the illusion of the government having real political power.
This is pathetic ,isn't it as the masses buy into the tom foolery?.

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