Sunday, 12 January 2025

A Solution To Assist Those of US Who Cannot Afford JPSCo Electricity

Indoor solar lights

Solar refrigerator

There is a need to step up the use of solar energy to reduce the cost of electricity to Jamaicans. It would also reduce the need to steal JPS electricity. This is something that the government is already looking at but there is a need to move quickly on this one. This would have a major positive impact on the cost of living. This could improve your chances of a third-term PM. If you wait too long, then the PNP could run with it!

This project should involve the distribution of solar lights and refrigerators to all those householders who are unable to afford JPSCo electricity.

Click here to see an examples of a solar refrigerators.

Click here to see examples of solar lights.

I am making a public request for support from Mr. Lee Chin. Mr. Chin, can you look into the possibility of your company leading in this matter and working with the government to get essential solar equipment to those who are in need? A little birdie told me that you have contacts in Japan, where solar electrical appliances are available. We could even have a project to ensure that we donate solar flashlights to our children. These could be very useful during and after a hurricane or an earthquake.



  1. Good evening Mr Derby.
    Ler me be the 1st to commend you on this posting of the solar light and refrigerator.
    Yes I think the need for programs to encourage and assist our people with solar energy is long overdue.
    And thanks for calling on the private sector.
    We can't expect the government to do everything.
    How about we call on all of the solar companies to make a donation to this program.
    I am sure that members of the many charities in the diaspora, who support their communities would be willing to assist.
    However there should be no FEE'S Aattached to said donations.
    So this is where the government could play a big part.
    Too many times we have to pay for the privilege of giving back.


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