Monday, 24 February 2025

Is The Education Ministry Asleep While Trouble Looms at St. James High?

Senator Dr. Dana Morris Dixon,
Minister of Education, Skills, Youth, and Information

Joseph Williams, principal of St. James High.

Based on reports that I have been getting today, the situation at St. James High School in terms of the relationship between the school board chairman, other members of the board, and the management and staff of the institution is very challenging. The principal is Mr. Joseph Williams, and the board chairman is Mr. Christopher McCurdy.

This matter was highlighted before when Jamaica for Justice, supported by other groups, accused the principal of expelling students without due process. I thought the matter would have been investigated and charges would be laid against the principal. I criticized Jamaica For Justice (JFJ) for the position they took regarding the video of the kissing girls. JFJ kept out of the matter after a while. I found that rather strange.

I was hoping that the Ministry of Education would take steps to deal with the problems at St. James High and Mona High School because I became aware of the challenges at both schools. The chairman of the Mona High School eventually resigned in protest.

It was reported to me that the chairman of St. James High School went to the school today. One source said that things became very ugly. Teachers became concerned that this could have escalated into a serious incident. I understand that the tension at the school is affecting its smooth operation.

The Minister of Education should step in now and deal with the challenges at St. James High. 

I have heard of investigations taking place into several matters there, but I have not heard the results of these investigations. Effective leadership is needed now to deal with the situation because this is not a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

Editor's Note

I have been very conservative in terms of what I have posted here. There is far more damaging information going around within the school environment. If the situation is not dealt with, it could have major political implications.

More Readings

  1. Allegation of multi-million fraud at St. James High.
  2. Probe deepens into St. James High allegations.
  3. The chairman accused of getting involved in day-to-day activities of the school.
  4. Investigation into expulsion of girls from St. James High.
  5. JFJ and the kissing girls.
  6. Vernon speaks with Principal Joseph Williams.
  7. Principal being targeted?
  8. Board members break ranks.
  9. Revealing discussion with Principal Joseph Williams.




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  1. Wow what is happening here sad👹

  2. So many unsolved issues

  3. These issues are common within the education sector. The ministry is aware and they do nothing for various reasons, none of which makes practical sense.
    The ministry has failed in managing the education sector and have left the schools to self-govern. This is to reduce their responsibilities. The system can only collapse as it stands as more teachers will leave, indiscipline will prevail and the educational output will continue to lessen.


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