Showing posts with label Piss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piss. Show all posts

Monday 20 April 2015

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

Hol' A Piss Any Where In Jamaica!!!

We Do It At Any Corner

A man it is reported is before the courts being charged under the litter act for urinating on the street. Where are the public bathroom facilities downtown Kingston do you know, if you are on Princess Street and have an emergency where do you go? I guess run to the urinal in the vicinity of the Supreme court or rush to the bus park or to the St William Grant park in Parade and pray they are open and you have your fee or go buy a patty or food in a restaurant that have bathroom facilities for patrons. The KSAC should make it mandatory for every business have bathroom facilities for patrons as some do not even have for workers. There is an unsightly illegal urinal at the corner of Barry and Princess Streets could be regularized by the KSAC even if they have to charge.17/04/15

You need to direct the people where to get those civic pride seeds to cultivate as we seem to have destroyed our seed bank with all the good seeds. We have to go back to basics .In our rural primary schools we sang a song that goes like this "bits of paper lying on the ground makes the place untidy pick them up" it was sung and the action s accompanied it. There was another I always remember "The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight while their companions slept they were toiling upward through the night”. Nastiness, laziness and crime are all related to a lack of civic pride.19/04/15

Accepting Cheques 

It is a waste of resources to spend money and time on that kind of legal tender enforcement market forces will do what it can. Not all Chinese owned operators are alike there are some who even take my cheques once they get to certify your integrity by dealing with you over a period. I have had to teach somehow cheques work and they do take money to the bank but many are very discreet and for security you cannot see where, when and how so the belief they do not deal with banks not true ,many of the more enlightened actually do. 19/04/15


Dark Side of Chronixx?

What many do not understand including Chronixx is that "he who has economic power has real political power" says Karl Marx so Obama in a country dominated by Capitalist economics although being the President he is constrained as to what he can do, so one cannot be too hard on him and must remember that America is not a dictatorship. America is not North Korea, China, Russia or even Cuba. Calling Obama a "waste man" using the standard uncomplimentary dance hall understanding is motivated by a level of ignorance and "youthful exuberance".20/04/15

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