Showing posts with label Scamming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scamming. Show all posts

Sunday 5 June 2016

Corruption Is Not Just A Politician Thing - Vernon Derby

Campaign On For Publication Of Politicians' Assets

A few journalists and persons who are interested in politics are now on a campaign for politicians to publish what they own and what they have earned. Some persons are literally salivating over getting information as to how some politicians acquire their wealth.

I cannot understand why persons have recently become obsessed with what these political figures own. I am more concerned about my leaders' physical and  their mental health. The state that Jamaica is now in can only be attributed to the mental state of those who have lead us over the years rather that what they have aquired. Jamaica was once a growing economy now we have become the beggars of the Caribbean. This did not happen by accident!

Government Agencies There To Monitor 

I couldn't care less where politicians get their wealth from because if the Auditor General, the Contractor General, the tax department and the Jamaica Constabulary Force are doing their jobs then this can be easily dealt with. I must add that an active and a perceptive media can facilitate the work of these entities supported by an enlighted populace. We should note that politicians do not sign government cheques.

Not Only Politicians To Be Monitored

When it comes to acquiring wealth, it is not only politicians who should be monitored but all citizens. The multi-million dollar houses that have been going up all over Jamaica  in recent years could give the impression that this country has seen immence growth in the economy. If you look at the cars on our roads you would believe that this is a first world country.

We have heard of scammers and dons owning massive homes and they don't have a regular job or even a large business. One would have believed that these commentators would be calling for an assessments of the income of these persons to see how they have acquired so much and also to see how much taxes they have paid. The silence about this is deafening.

The types of crimes being committed today with expensive guns must be funded by persons who have acquired significant amount of money. Do we have a continuous programme of targetting these dons or any person who has acquired questionable wealth? These efforts could help to put a dent in the drug trade and also scamming.

Let's not only raise questions about political leaders who purchase multi-million dollar real esate and build large mansions, but let us also raise questions about those who go to bed one night and wake up next morning as multi-millionaires.

Not Only Politicians Are Corrupt

After all, it is not only politicians who are corrupt but quite a significant number of us also. The spotlight must be on all of us and not just politicians. Is it that we are putting the spotlight on the politicians so that we can detract the attention from the rest of us?

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