Showing posts with label Top Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top Blog. Show all posts

Monday 8 November 2021

The Love of a Sister for her Brother, Anabella Seaga-Mian Cries For Help!!!

It wasn’t until I watched a recent Netflix series that I realized what an achievement it is to be a multi-sport athlete. My older brother, Chris Seaga was one and I’m ashamed to say that I’m just realizing how amazing that is. Chris was one of Jamaica’s champion swimmers by the age of 9. At the time, daddy Edward Seaga had taken a 2 year sabbatical from politics and would coach Chris daily at our pool. Himself an avid sportsman, he encouraged Chris’ athleticism with his customary dedication and systematic approach. Wearing his iconic black ‘darkers’ I’d see him leaning over the edge of the pool with his stopwatch in his hand and a little black book in the other where he painstakingly recorded all of Chris’ swim times. If you know my dad, you’d know that he had several of these little black books where he recorded all things important. 

On the weekends we’d go to swim practice and meets at the National Stadium where Chris swam for the indefatigable Neville Alexander's Flying Fish Ambassadors Swim Club Jamaica 1959-1978. The young swimmers would parade in their unmistakable canary yellow track suits while us younger ones shelled salty, roasted peanuts and licked colorful snow cones, frolicking under the stands. The meets ran late into the nights. Dinner was cups of yellow, steaming corn soup under the dark skies and glaring flood lights. As sleep came and the temperature dropped, I’d shroud myself in a towel and lie on a makeshift bed of even more towels padding the hard bench and rest my head in mommy’s lap. Whistles, horns and starter guns sounded in the background and cheers lulled me to sleep.

Chris enjoyed the rivalry from his competition on the Marlins and the YMCA teams. They were in his head and he was in theirs. His rivals’ names were part of family conversation as we noted their performance and psyched him up for his next.  Nonetheless, he dominated his age group at home and abroad. His butterfly stroke was sheer beauty in motion! 

Just before a race, swimmers would gather for pep talks while licking powdered glucose from their palms. The moms rationed the pure, white sugar from little plastic bags. I’d beg for a taste, savouring it on my tongue for the few seconds it lasted before it melted away. Daddy would caution Chris; “Remember, don’t look beside you!” as Chris would be tempted to do when he neared the finish. That sideways glance could shave fractions of a second off his time and cost him a win. 

As he got older he tried other sports while at Campion College and then at St. Andrew’s College in Canada where he made the team in every sport: swimming, ice hockey, cricket, soccer, squash and American football and even captained the cricket team. There is a photograph  of him hanging in the entrance… he was the first student in the school’s history to make every team!  His housemaster, Mr. Harrison would tell stories of seeing Chris ice skating on the pond at below freezing weather, dressed only in a terry robe and shorts as he taught himself to ice skate.  Recently, I was told a story about Chris bringing his Canadian school’s cricket team to play Campion’s cricket team where from the tip of his bat, he hit the winning 6 runs, way out of the park! He became a legend. 

It’s only now that I realize what a big deal it was for Chris to then transition to American football in university. His American coach (Ford Ackerman) in Canada introduced him to the game and saw talent. He encouraged Chris to go to an American university rather than a Canadian one so he could play on a college team. Chris was enticed by the sport and Daddy encouraged him thinking it would be a good career for him. Once at University of Miami, he started training with the Hurricanes. He became so muscular and big that mommy would tell him his neck was beginning to look like Herschel Walker’s. I didn’t know who that was  but the name became a familiar one every time she saw him come home for vacations. Two years later, Chris transferred to University of South Carolina and he ‘walked-on’ to their Gamecocks team.  He started out as a line man but was running as fast as the wide receivers so his coach switched him to a running back position.  American football is a sport where boys train in their high school junior varsity and varsity teams just to become noticed to be able to vie for a chance to be considered for this level of play. Here, a boy from Jamaica who never grew up playing American football, trained and played with 2 of the most prestigious college teams in the country at the time! 

As I learn more about sports teams I realize just how impressive all his achievements are. It all came so naturally to him, he made it seem effortless. So, it’s hitting me even harder that Chris at 55 years-old is in stage 4 kidney failure. He undergoes dialysis 2 times a week for the past 2 years and it has weakened him. His muscles are atrophying and his spirit is waning.  He needs a kidney, so, if any of you know of any way to help us find a kidney donor for Chris, please reach out to me. We are all worried about him, mommy especially. We have no idea where to turn. We Mitsy Seaga and Andrew Seaga  need your help.


Anabella Seaga-Mian and Christoper Seaga are The Most Hon. Edward Seaga (deceased) and Mitzy-Mian children. Their father gave his life for this nation. His son needs your support to find a kidney donor and with your love I know we can find someone. Mr. Seaga was a former Prime Minister of Jamaica and Mitzy Mian his former wife, was a Miss Jamaica Queen.

Please help by sharing this post with your friends.

This information was taken from Anabella Seaga-Mian's Facebook page.

Monday 1 November 2021

Culture Minister Under Fire - How Will PM Handle This?

Hon. Olivia Grange
 Minister of Sports, Culture,
Entertainment and Gender Affairs.
Culture Minister, The Hon. Oliva 'Babsy' Grange, is coming under fire for what some say is the pending appointment of Sydney Bartley as Executive Director for the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC). Mr. Bartley has been in the boiling pot of controversy in the past. With his colourful, dramatic and outgoing personality, some feel that Sydney would be the ideal choice to lead the JCDC. Others contend that perception can hinder even the best leader in their efforts to do good.  

Persons have said that the JCDC caters a lot to the children and therefore any perception about the possible treatment of children can damage
Sydney Bartley
the name of the organization. Some have argued that Sydney Bartley has not been convicted of any crime and therefore if he is the best man for the job then let him do the job.

This matter has now become very controversial and I understand from good sources that the matter has been brought to the Prime Minister's attention. Members of Parliament have also wade in on the matter privately, and have expressed their concerns.

A comment on a previous blog that I wrote, stated that if Sydney Bartley is the best man for the job then staff members who do not support the appointment should seek another employment. Based on feedback, it is clear that staff members, members of the Management

The Most Hon. Andrew Holness
Prime Minister of Jamaica

team and some members of the Board do not support the possible appointment.

Word on the ground is that Mr. Bartley could take up his appointment on Wednesday of this week. It is still not clear why neither the current Acting Executive Director, Mrs. Leyton Kirton nor the previous Executive Director, Ms. Daffodil Thompson of the JCDC, were not considered fit for the post. Information from reliable sources state that the previous Director Ms. Daffodil who performed exceptionally well, and was recommended for appointment by a sub-committee of the Board was surprisingly not appointed.

The organization has been without a permanent head since 2017 and this has no doubt impacted on the performance of the organization.

The question on everybody's mind is how Prime Minister, The Most Hon. Andrew Holness will handle this matter, which could take on national proportions. Depending on how this matter is handled, it could put a dent in the popularity of his government. We should note that both audit and Integrity Commission investigations into the operations of the JCDC are currently taking place.

Other Readings:

Saturday 18 September 2021


Dear Mr. Derby,

I read the article titled “PM Not Ruling Out Kartel as Vax Ambassador” in the Weekend Gleaner of Sept. 18-19, 2021 with dismay. The fact that PM Holness would be ambivalent in his response to such a recommendation to use Kartel as a vax ambassador is outrageous.

Kartel (aka Adidjah Palmer) may be one of the most influential figures in the country’s entertainment industry but he’s not the only one. Surely there are others in the entertainment industry without criminal records who could be enlisted. Furthermore, Palmer has reportedly recorded many songs from prison in contravention of regulations. This smacks of glorification of criminality. Our vaccination ambassadors should be people who are worthy of emulation.

We are relying on our leaders to exhibit good judgment in matters such as these.


Concerned Citizen

And a convicted murderer shall lead them?

Note: I had asked Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton if there was any consideration to use this convicted murderer in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, and he had said no.

This letter was sent to me by a couple who is recognized internationally but out of concern for their security, I have been asked not to identify them as writers of this letter.

Click HERE to read the post on Minister Christopher Tufton's response.

A number of persons have said this convicted murderer is very influential. Some might be wondering if this murderer is motivating other young persons to become an artiste, a murderer and a star?

More Reading:

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Business Man Johnnie Chen Has Died

Johnnie Chen, popularly known by his friends as Sinjai, of Spalding Bakery and Spalding Garage in Spalding, Clarendon,  succumbed to the deadly coronavirus on Monday, August 23, a few days after being diagnosed.  He was first admitted to the nearby Percy Junor Hospital but, as his condition worsened, on Sunday, August 22, he was transferred to the Mandeville Public Hospital where he died.

Mr. Chen was a very accomplished businessman and a graduate of Knox College. He and  his younger brothers, Anthony, Alfred (died in the year 2000) and Alvin took over his late father's bakery and garage in the 1970s. Over, the ensuing years he establshed himself as a prominent member of the business community in Spalding and its environs. He later diversified the business operations by the addition of gas stations, heavy duty equipment and a wrecking service.

Twice married, Chen is survived by wife, Jeanie and two daughters, Charlene and Racquel. His first daughter, Lisa, predeceased him in 2017. He is survived by brothers, Kingsley, Anthony, and Alvin  as well as a number of  sisters, including Sonia Chung and Barbara Chung Sang.

This well loved Knoxite was in his early 70s. News of his untimely passing spread like wild fire first in Spalding, the Knox College community and then nationally and internationally. Persons from across the diaspora, in neighbouring towns located in  Clarendon, Manchester, St. Ann and Trelawny have been calling,  there has been an outpouring of grief for a man who most describe as having been very kind,  easy going and soft spoken. 

It is not yet known whether an autopsy report will be ordered. No announcement has yet been made regarding funeral arrangements.

Reports coming to us is that the hospital in Spalding where Mr. Chen was ailing is under severe pressure due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. There is now a shortage of ventilators at that hospital. Based on reports that I have received, the hospital might not be able to deal with future more serious cases of Covid-19.

#KnoxCollege #Spalding

Saturday 24 July 2021

Hugh Nash, Cultural Icon Dies

Hugh Nash CD, JP

Mr. Festival, Mr. JCDC (Jamaica Cultural Development Commission), the affable, charming and humble Hugh Nash CD, JP passed on this morning. Mr. Nash last served as the Chairman of the JCDC Board and he was involved in a number of other boards and projects on behalf of the government over the years.

Hugh Nash has been an outstanding persons in leading the development of culture in Jamaica and his  knowledge about the history and culture of Jamaica is just amazing. He was responsible for the development of the JCDC under the leadership of former Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Hon. Edward Seaga and he also served as head of the organization. The Jamaica Festival and annual Independence celebrations, the Heritage Week Festivals, Mello-Go-Roun, the Festival Queen Competition, all came from the creativity of the man. 

Mr. Nash's dream was to get the parish cultural committees working and he wanted to see the development of cultural non-governmental organizations responsible for cultural matters in each parish. He was pushing to have a places in each parish to host cultural events. As far as I know the parish cultural committees are not functioning at this time.

Mr. Nash has been involved in various organizations over the years such as the National Heritage Trust, the Mile Gully Primary and High Schools where he was the chairman for approximately 30 years. He was also Chairman of Harry Watch Primary School and also a member of the CHASE board. 

Mr. George Watson, former senior manager and commissioner at the JCDC and one who has worked with Mr. Nash, said that Mr. Nash is among the four greatest Jamaican cultural icons - Edward Seaga, Michael Manley, Professor Nettleford and Hugh Nash. Mr. Watson has been recommending that Mr. Nash be awarded the Order Of Jamaica.

I am proud to have worked with Mr. Hugh Nash while he was Chairman of the JCDC Board. When I was given the task to revitalize the Festival Song Competition after there was none in 2018, I must admit that he was a tower of strength to me. The competition made a number of firsts in 2018. Hugh had a passion for the Festival Song Competition because he wanted it to regain its position as the premier event, for the celebration of our National Independence.

He also advocated that our Independence Celebrations should be separated from our Emancipation Celebrations and therefore we should not refer to the period as Emancipendence. However, some persons still refer to the period as Emancipendence.

One thing I will always remember is when both of us were entering the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre for the Festival Song Competition in 2018, and we did not have passes to enter. The security guard stopped us at the entrance and politely asked us for our passes. I believed that the guard was under severe pressure at the gate and therefore he did not  recognize us. Mr. Nash turn to me and said, leave him alone because he is doing his job. We just turned around and went through the back where staff members allowed us to enter. Hugh Nash, was never the man to be forcing himself to be in the limelight, never fighting for power, never fighting to be recognized because he was a humble man to the core. What a man! May his soul rest in peace.


Jamaica - Gleaner Dec. 22, 2012

JIS - May 30, 2011

Gleaner - Oct. 22, 2011

Thursday 10 June 2021

Ghastly Murder Scene Uptown!!!

William Dewar
I have seen a report which I cannot state whether it is an accurate and/or authentic document, about the death of business executive William Dewar. William Dewar who is about 50 years of age, was murdered on Monday June 7. Many persons are just hearing about this today, June 10, 2021.

The murder it is reported to have taken place at Block C at Oakland Apartments which is near to Constant Spring in Kingston.

Reports are that both the accused who is about 27 years old and the murdered man who is about 50 years old, were friends. The accused was invited to the home of Mr. Dewar. After what appears to be a very entertaining afternoon, things eventually turned sour due to a disagreement between the young man and the elderly business executive.

Community members have complained that the matter is being kept quiet because the incident took place uptown on Monday, June 7, and they are just now hearing about this ghastly act today, June 10.

Mr. Dewar was the Assistant General Manager, Sales Administration Partner Relations and Management Logistics at Management Control Systems. He also wrote a newspaper column.

A document which I saw states that blood samples were taken by the police from the scene, along with used and unused condoms. A card with the name Dane Barnes was also retrieved from the scene. The accused person is said to be a former member of the police force.

We hope to hear more about this act and the investigations from the police later today.

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