Friday 1 April 2016

Fi Wi Concerns 2060402 Michael Spence

Speeding Not The Only Cause of Road Accidents

Senior Superintendent of Police Calvin Allen, head of the Traffic Division, who is blaming only excessive speeding, improper overtaking, and the inability of drivers to keep to the left in their correct lanes Allen told one newspaper. They blame everything for road deaths except bad road construction, no sidewalks for pedestrians etc. Look at countries like England 3, or Sweden with 2 road deaths per 100000.Jamaica is averaging about 13 per100000,China is 18 , USA 10 and Trinidad 18.Countries like Sweden construct roads that prioritize safety do we?, Pedestrians crossings are protected with speed bumps we don't even have sidewalks for pedestrians, what about barriers separating cars from bikes?. Those countries have a well developed public transportation systems so the number of private vehicles on the roads decreases in our case private vehicles increase so the likelihood of accidents is increased. The Authorities must not get away with using road deaths as an opportunity to introduce higher traffic fines/backdoor taxation while doing nothing to address some of the real problems that they alone have the authority to do and does nothing so who is going to arrest them or give them tickets. I must admit though that attitudes could be a big factor in our 103 road deaths to the date of writing this post. 01/04//16

Extending Your Years In School

The point is as a writer has said "those two extra years may not be necessary or ideal in all circumstances”, that is my view this is not a dictatorship it must be optional. Do you recall Youth Service was mandatory in the 1970's many youths wasted the time as it collapsed soon after. Politicians must not continue to experiment with poor Jamaican people pickney/children because they and the better off people just kiss them teeth and take away themselves send their children to schools in other countries then return as our masters to continue their political and economic dynasties. Anything mandatory from politicians I find suspicious unless ratified by in ultra independent think tank. For now I cannot see how this can be a good idea for ALL students in a free enterprise society or am I misreading.31/03/16

Chinese in Jamaica

A constant question being asked is why are the Chinese interested in Jamaica? Take note of this before you answer “China claims virtually all the South China Sea despite conflicting claims by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, and has built up artificial islands in the area in recent months, including some with airstrips”.  The answer hidden in plain view is that Jamaica is at a strategic location in the Americas that is what they must have identified like the pirates of old did. We have not I believe and even if we have we are not capitalizing on it to make us rich. China’s communist party leadership is going all out to make their people rich and declares that the difference in their brand of capitalism is that they will make as many people rich as is possible. Are we sleeping? Jamaica needs to wake up and live.30/03/16


Believe it or not the surface of lotto scamming has not even been scratched what will happen is a dispersion to all crevices and corners of Jamaica and the Caribbean. It’s not unlike the "hot spot" policing years ago under Commissioner Forbes .Western Jamaica and rural communities need a comprehensive socioeconomic rescue plan to insulate communities from criminal influences and opportunities. Kingston’s quasi colonial governments don't get it .The police cannot quickly fix those problems and are given basket to carry ice31/03/16

Have We Lost The Sweetness In Sugar.

A significant increase in the price paid for sugar will not happen, so what then Mr. Newman? Sugar has to be researched properly to find any medically/health relevant positives and market it as a health food because sugar is not so sweet anymore. There are many man made substances/sweeteners today that are as high as 7000 times sweeter than sugar and find its way into many of our juices not excluding bag juice either wholly or partially31/03/16

Michael Spence

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