Wednesday 30 August 2023

Sick Building Syndrome in Jamaica - How Safe is Your Workplace?

Are There Sick Buildings Here In New Kingston.

Sick Building Syndrome

We often hear the talk about Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and we wonder how can a building be sick. The building will not be sick but if you work in an SBS building for an extended period you could find that you start to experience certain symptoms. These symptoms include skin rashes, your eyes may become red, soreness in the throat, stomach irritation and other symptoms. Cornwall Regional Hospital has been in the news for a few days now and workers have been complaining about having health challenges working at the facility.

There is also another well-known case which workers have complained about at a media entity. There could be other places that have not been brought to my attention. I understand that the Ministry of Labour does not have enough inspectors to visit these workplaces with the aim of having the matter rectified.

Effects of Fibre Glass

One of the things that people believe can cause SBS is the use of fibreglass in air conditioning ventilation. I spoke to an engineer recently and he criticized engineers who used fibreglass to line the inside of airconditioners ducts.  He says that a foil is used to cover the fibreglass but this foil deteriorates over time and the fibre particulars become exposed. These microscopic particles are then circulated in the vents into the rooms of the building.

The engineer says that the fibre should not be inside the ducts but on the outside of the ducts. He said that these poorly installed ducts in buildings all over Jamaica are posing a hazard for persons in office buildings, hospitals and other commercial buildings.

Getting Expert Help

From my position, it seems to me that we need to get various experts to ascertain what is causing this airborne irritant and what is the source. My concern is that while Cornwall Regional Hospital is in the news about this matter, we need to look at the state of other buildings across the country. The Ministry of Labour needs to get its few inspectors out there to look at the state of our working environment. We might not be able to have a 100% inspection, but let's make the effort. If organizations realize that the government is stepping up the pressure then I believe they will act without any threats.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

It has become a way of life in Jamaica where we wait until it is a crisis before we start running up and down like chickens without their heads trying to seek solutions. My principal at primary school once said that we think from our mouths to our noses.  Nothing has changed since then in Jamaica.

The government needs to take a sample of buildings categorized by size and the number of persons who work in these buildings and grade these buildings in terms of their hygiene standards.

Having persons work in an unhealthy environment can be a significant burden on the expense of running the health sector. Valuable man hours are also lost when persons are sick and this will impact on our productivity.

Additional reading:


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  • A Bark Di Trute Supporter is looking for a one-bedroom apartment to rent. 
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter has eggs for sale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter is looking for a house or an apartment in Eden Gardens Vineyard Town, Liguanea, off Old Hope Road, Hope Road, near New Kingston or in close proximity to these areas.  If none is available the person will go further like Barbican or Havendale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter needs a job to work as a technical operator in a radio station or any other place where he can utilize his knowledge working with computers.



Anonymous said...

Wow really did not know🥳

Anonymous said...

I hope they get it fix

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