Sunday 26 January 2020


January 26, 2020 – The Security Forces are advising residents and persons travelling to, or through the Kingston East Police Division that in light of the declaration of a State of Public Emergency effective Sunday, January 26, it is important to have a valid form of identification on them at all times.

 The boundaries of the division are as follows:

West - The boundary extends in a northerly direction from the intersection of Michael Manley Boulevard and South Camp Road, then continues north-easterly along Vineyard Road then on to the end of Diana Drive.

North – From the easterly direction from Diana Drive to Lexington Avenue, then on to Deanery Road to the intersection to Mountain View Avenue to the border of St. Andrew and St. Thomas.

East – From the southerly direction along the shared parish border of St. Andrew and St. Thomas to the coast.

South - Westerly along the coast of St. Andrew, then along the Kingston coastline to the intersection of South Camp Road and Michael Manley Boulevard.

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