Sunday 8 November 2020



Sheldon Gordon - General Secretary

The Police Federation is calling the actions of citizens barbaric, callous, inhumane and wicked after the brutal murder of Constable Kirkland Plummer in Harwood District, Manchester last evening.

 The Constable was shot and stoned during lawful police actions about 9:30 pm on Saturday after he apprehended a man with an illegal firearm.

 The Federation says the deafening silence from certain sectors of society to this gruesome act is a slap in the face of law enforcement, and only serves to embolden these miscreants. The attack of any police officer is an attack on the State.

 The Federation is also challenging the Government to demonstrate their commitment to crime fighting by making stronger laws, especially those treating with firearms; as well as more resources for police officers to include greater benefits. Policing in Jamaica is high risk and very dangerous.

 The Federation says the society is descending into anarchy and that police officers represent the buffer between law abiding citizens and marauding criminals. The Federation is urging its members to be on high alert and take all steps to preserve their lives and the lives of all citizens.

 The Federation says it cannot become the norm for the police to be killed and abused whilst doing their lawful duty. Our members will not relent nor retreat in their duties says the Federation.

 The Federation is expressing condolences to the family and friends of the slain officer. The Federation says, members will not relent until the perpetrators are caught and brought to justice; and all our members will have our full backing when executing their lawful duties.

Note: I have received information that he was killed in the area where his immediate and extended family lives. He is also a past student of Knox College which is just a few files away.

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