Sunday 8 November 2020

JPS Experiencing Network Challenges Due To Weather Conditions!

November 8, 2020/ 5:00 pm

As Jamaica continues to feel the effects of the outer bands of Tropical Storm Eta, more sections of the network are being impacted by dislodged poles in waterlogged soil, trees coming into contact with lines and other challenges.

Restoration efforts are being hampered by continuous rains as well as blocked roads due to landslides and flooding.  Inaccessible areas include: Gordon Town Road in St. Andrew, due to a landslide, as well as Bull Bay in the same parish, due to flooding.

In St. Elizabeth, the Lacovia to Maggotty area is inaccessible due to a landslide, while Holland Bamboo and Luana in the parish, are blocked by fallen trees and flooding respectively. In Clarendon, the Spalding to Cave Valley area is also blocked and the Bog Walk Gorge in St. Catherine is impassable.

Some of the areas presently being affected by power outages include:

St. Elizabeth
Harmony Hill, Treasure Beach, Calabash Bay District, Bull Savannah

Pixie, Brockery, Berry Hill, Spaulding, Baileston, Dunsinane, Albert Town, Boucher Hill, Battersea, Oliver Rd, Bloomfield District, Rock District

Lampson District, Crofts Hill, Stewarton, Top Hill, Luidasvale

Delveland, Hopewell, Cold Spring, Prospect District, Grange District, West End-Negril

Axe and Aze, Cascade, Haughten Court, Claremont
St. James
Irwin, Ginger Hill, Rose Hall, Lethe to Copse, Brandon Hill, Johns Hall, Providence Heights, Spring Mount, Flankers

Kingston & St. Andrew
Mannings Hill, Salt Hill to Gordon Town, Mount Airy, Irish Town, Red Hills
St. Mary
Ramble District, Derry District

St. Ann
Orange Hill, Benin to Browns Town

St. Catherine
Bagbie Troja, Mickelton District, Fort Augusta Drive

St. Thomas
Stewartfield, Hagley Gap

Teams are working where it is safe and possible to proceed, to restore power to these areas, in the shortest time possible.  JPS thanks customers for their patience and understanding.

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