Friday 11 December 2020

Electric Cars - Charles Broomfield


Hi Vernon,
I called your program last week to pass on information on the status of electric cars and in particular in Jamaica.
The electric car business is booming worldwide and almost all car manufacturers are getting on board. Like electronics, technology is moving fast.

Two largest the largest electric car manufacturers in the world is TESLA in the USA and BYD in China. Tesla is the Richest car manufacturer in the USA now They are richer than Ford and GM even though they make fewer cars than them. The latest! The owner is now one of the richest people.

Tesla has made a fully automated car that you sit in it, you just tell it where you want to go and it will take you there. 

BYD in China builds the most electric vehicles in the world but does not have the flair as Tesla. They also have the same technology. There are now over a million electric cars in China. They are famous for their electric busses.

Electric care gives approximately 100 miles per gallon and is 3 times more reliable. Electric care is faster than gas cars and climbs hills better.

Regarding Jamaica, there are only a handful of electric cars here but they will be coming in droves.
I wrote a paper on using Solar electric vehicle busses in Jamaica.  In particular, Using the HWT bus station roof as a charging node and powering busses going to UWI, UTECH etc. It is the ideal route. solar charge the busses in HWT the busses drive to Papine and as the road slopes down use (regenerative breaking to = to compression ) to charge the batteries when coming back to HWT.
By the way Vernon. Some electric cars can be powered mainly by solar.

JPS has seen electric cars as a business growth area and is preparing by putting in charging stations. 

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