Sunday 24 January 2021

Tenant Leaves Hefty NWC Bill For Landlord

I received the following report from someone:

Mr. Derby, I once had a house and the tenant ran up a JAD200,000 water bill on me.  Every time NWC went to disconnect, she gave them a little thing not to disconnect, this also led to illegal reconnection fees being applied.  When I finally got her out of my house, apart from the rent arrears she ran up, I had to pay back the JAD200,000 to NWC.  ITS WICKED.  Tenants should, like in other countries take on the account, as opposed to the owner of the property.

I do agree with this writer that tenants should be able to enter into a contract with the National Water Commission to have the them supply that tenant with water. Now if the bill is not paid and services is not disconnected then unless the customer illegally connects back the water supply then the NWC should take responsibility for any water that is consumed in the following months following after the services should have been suspended.

The owner of the house should report the matter to the police and should also sue for the funds owned. The owner should also be able to report this to the credit bureau.


Unknown said...

I know of a somewhat similar case only a little more expensive. The bill is over $700,000 and rising. Not sure NWC CAN GET INSIDE to disconnect. The owner will have to pay that bill then waste money and time to take the tennant to court. Not fair, the Tennant should pay. Many times the owners are retired persons. With little or no real income and really don't nead the stress, plus the house can't be rented until.....

Unknown said...

Why wouldn't the NWC take action after say after the bill reached $50,000, $75,000, $100,000?. Don't make cents or $ for that matter.

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