Sunday 21 February 2021

JPS Mobile App Users Surge to 85,000

Kingston, February 21, 2021
. JPS is seeing a surge of customers using its new mobile application.  Since its launch at the end of September last year, over 85,000 persons have registered to use the MyJPS Mobile App, and that number is increasing daily. Many customers are now also reporting  a strong preference for using the app and other digital platforms, instead of face-to-face transactions.  The app allows customers to conduct a range of business activities that previously required visiting a Customer Service Office.  These include applying for, transferring or terminating service and bill payment.  The app also facilitates reporting and tracking unexpected outages.  Additionally, customers with smart meters, are able to track their electricity consumption during the month – not only at the end of the billing period. The app, as well as the other available digital platforms has virtually eliminated the need for customers to visit a Customer Service Office, thus saving time and energy for thousands of Jamaicans.

App Receives Electricity Theft Reports

The most recent add-on, is that the app can facilitate the reporting of electricity theft.  Information received will be treated with the strictest confidence.  JPS anticipates that this addition will result in more reports of sophisticated theft which is taking place with the use of cleverly hidden devices and systems.  The Company has observed that when people think of theft, their first thoughts are the obvious throw-ups on the JPS lines. It should also be noted however, that theft is also taking place in very comfortable and elegant settings, that one might not suspect.  It is expected that the opportunity to report this anonymously via the app, will really help to unearth these instances.

Digital Transformation

The mobile application is only a part of JPS’ broader digital transformation, which is aimed at providing customers with more choices and convenience. “We are excited about the opportunities available to us and to our customers in this increasingly digital period in global history. Our own digital evolution is allowing us to better respond to customers’ requests for faster and efficient service, available at their fingertips,” said Ramsay McDonald, Senior Vice President for Customer Services at JPS

The JPS Mobile Application may be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

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