Friday 26 March 2021

Government Needs Stronger Measures To Deal With Covid19 Challenges - Vernon Derby

The police are all over the place trying to get persons to comply with the Covid-19 regulations but many persons continue to do as they please. The state seems helpless in getting persons to comply. Many hospitals are full to capacity and the people continue with their careless behaviour. The murders continue, the accidents continue and more persons continue to get covid-19.

The ticketing system should have been in place long ago for  persons refuse to comply with covid 19 regulations. Those who refuse to wear a mask for example in public should be fined at least JAD50,000. If you can't pay then you should be assigned to clean some of the gullies in the country. Those who attend parties and funerals where there are more than five persons present should be ticketed for JAD100,000.

Since we do not have a national ID then tickets should be issued against our license and if we do not have one, then it should be issued against you birth certificate. A picture should also be also be taken by the police of you.

Business which allows crowds into their business place should be ticket for JAD1 million and such businesses taken before the court immediately. Such businesses should be closed immediately.

McMaster on Orange Street, Downtown Kingston

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