Wednesday 7 April 2021

Watch Out! The Commissioner Of Police Is On The Road

Last weekend, police officers and JPs were busy ensuring that persons did not breach the curfew regulations in Jamaica. A few citizens who refused to comply with regulations ended up being on the wrong side of the law and they had to pay for their actions. The Commissioner of Police, leading from the front was out there with his officers.

L - R: Dr. Winston Ilse, Lorraine Ross- Clunie, Kevin Nemhared, Pancita Walker, Commissioner of Police Sheryl  Williams, Charm Campbell, Toni Spicer, Dr. Andre Cooke, Senior Supt Marlon Nesbeth.

During the curfew the police have been working with the JPs and this has speeded up the operations. During the operation, there is a Justice of the Peace on site. This means that you will get your summons on spot and also get information about your court date immediately. Under normal conditions, the persons being prosecuted by the police would be taken to the station and a summons issued for a court appearance. This is far more time consuming.

If you decide to be in breach of the curfew hours this weekend, not only will you take the risk of getting Covid-19, but you could also end up being summoned to court and having to pay a hefty fine.

Video: The Commissioner checks on how things are going while Lorraine Clunie JP updates him.

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