Friday 21 May 2021

Warning - Fake Errol Lee Facebook Profile!

Errol Lee
(Picture on the
Facebook profile)
There is a fake Facebook profile under the name of Errol Lee, the broadcaster and entertainer. This has been confirmed by Errol. It also has his picture  

This is the Fake Facebook Account.

If you have this profile on your Facebook account as a friend, then you should unfriend this profile immediately. Share this blog on your Facebook page so that your friends will also share it and unfriend this person. 

This is a very serious matter because it has been reported to me that the owner of this account is already trying to solicit funds from persons. This person could do major harm being on your 'friend list' and also on the list of your friends 'friend list'.

The relevant Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) section has been informed and a formal report has been requested by the JCF.

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