Friday 23 July 2021

Festival Songs With The Songs But No Festival

I watched the Festival Song Show recently and it was like sitting in the dentist chair with my tooth being drilled. Johnny Daley the MC tried his best to keep things alive but the people's Festival Song and the Festival Feeling have been killed. We are just waiting on the nine-night.

Many of the performers seemed to be tone deaf. Many have lost that beautiful tone they had before. This could be the result of not using their vocal chords properly for many years. Dwight Richards was not sounding like the Dwight Richards who I  use to hear before. Even my good friend Roy Rayon was unable to give us that warm festival spirit which he has been an expert at giving, over the years. Probably that warm spirit is difficult to deliver at the artic circle.  

Candy the visually impaired singer with that beautiful tone and a wide range voice is blessed with a melodious voice but she was shouting so much that she really sounded as if  she was crossing a river. She sounded as if she was trying to holla to those on the other side of the river as she sang, 'Many Rivers To Cross'.,  

Althea Hewitt was not bad but her top looked dull, She is a top class singer and performed very well. Her song did not have the Festival spirit and her class act did not fit into a show of that nature.

Lutan Fire looked like the tailor had ran out of material so rasta man now sporting tight pants. He certainly did not light any fire on stage and he failed to turned up the heat. Pessoa seemed to have worked on his set  well, so he moved with ease from singing to playing the saxophone.

I-Octane white suite was dazzling to the eye, but the same could not be said about his performance. I must admit that the numerous gold chains upstaged him.

DB seemed to have lost the key. He sounded slightly flat. His movements apparently got in the way of his performance. I liked the idea of integrating the dancing and the singing except that he was not able to deliver. He sounded out a breath especially at the end of his song. Tamo J had locks which stood up tall like the Eiffel Tower. I wondered if he had used starch to get it that stiff. To be blunt though, many of the competitors cannot sing to save their lives.

I believe Minister Grange needs to step back a bit and allow other creative energies to flow because something is not working with the Festival Song Competition.. Minister, I would stick to politics because I don't believe your politics is blending well with the Festival Song Competition. Minister I watched the show and I noted that you are the Executive Producer for the show. As a political head I would have preferred to see the head of the JCDC take on that role. It comes across as if you are running the JCDC directly. 

Stacious the winner??? Someone called to say all the songs were losers. What do you think?

Note: Now that we have had the international stars performing this year and last year, I wonder where they will be when covid-19 is no longer here. Will we be able to find those little guys who have participated and supported the Festival Song over the years. They lost their food this year because the big guys had to eat a food.

Only time will tell!

Althea Hewitt


MC. Johnny Daley



Unknown said...

So true sir ,couldn't a better critique that this you have posted

Unknown said...

Wasn't interested in the competition at all.

Megatony said...

I saw some of the songs on tv last night. They had nothing to do with a festival. They all lacked the festival spirit. None of them no ready.

Micspen said...

Wow!The critique of an eagle eye.Thanks i totally forgot about the show.

Unknown said...

I started to watch when Candy was screaming so I just turned off the tv.Festival catch covid.

Susan said...

What about Fab 5?

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

What is your opinion of Fab 5?

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