Wednesday 25 August 2021

Eat Right, Live Right And You Will Be All Right.

Times are getting very stressful living under Covid-19 and many of us cannot find that dollar to even prepare a good breakfast. Covid-19 has brought a national crisis on us, and none of us can afford to be ill at this time. They might not be able to find a bed nor a bed space to put us.

We have to start using more things that are produced by some of our poor farmers in this country. We must stop consuming many of the items that are dumped in this country from overseas. We must stop eating junk foods and turning our bodies into a garbage bin.

I am trying my best to only eat things that are produced in Jamaica, and so far my health has improved dramatically. Many of you will recall that I went into what they suspect was a coma, and I was admitted to hospital for a few weeks. At that time I thought that was end of me when some of my organs started to deteriorate. My brain was not functioning properly, my eye sight started to deteriorate and my pancreas stopped working. During my time at the hospital, persons have told me that they stayed with me for the whole day and I don't even remember them doing so.

I can now tell you that by changing my diet I have changed my health and I have changed my life. I lost nearly 40 lbs. in two months after I changed my diet. I have cut sugar out of my diet completely. Of course many of the fruits that I eat have sugar but I do not put sugar into anything nor do I purchase items that have added sugar. I have learnt that what sweet yu wi sour yu!

My diet now consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, yams, coco, bread fruit, fish and chicken. Since I have changed my diet, my back ache has disappeared, my blood pressure has improved significantly and I no longer take pressure tablets.  Most times I check my blood sugar levels, it ranges from 5.2 to about 5.5.

I sleep better these days and my bowel actions are more frequent. Of course I am drinking more water. Generally my health has improved significantly and my brain is functioning on all cylinders again. Due to the weight loss I have noticed that some young girls have started to notice me but I have no interest in those who could be my daughters :) My little fellow who could not get up in the mornings when it  was time to get up, now gets up before I do.

I must share one of my new dishes with you, which is shown in the picture below,

The starch in this plate is made from grated roast breadfruit which was stir fried with a little olive oil, a pinch of salt and turmeric, which gives it its beautiful gold colour. This is served with stir fried vegetables with garlic added, a few drops of  Kikkoman soy sauce with a sprinkling of ginger. To complete the dish I added seasoned callaloo and salt fish cooked down with coconut milk  and a few slices of cucumber.

To wash it down I had a cup of hot black coffee with no sugar in this rainy weather. 

To my friends I say, eat right, live right and you will be all right.


Unknown said...

You seem to be eating like me. Good going

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...


Empress Leona said...

Cheers to good health. Many do not realize the role diet and lifestyle play in acquiring chronic illnesses. Not only chronic diseases, as in those requiring medication but they also play a vital role in any type of dis-ease in the human body. If all Jamaicans would make similar changes to their lifestyles many of the medical conditions they grapple with would simply disappear.

rowroyale said...

I invite you to visit my internationally verifiers organic farm

Unknown said...


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