Tuesday 24 August 2021

Minister Robert Montague Loses Relatives To Covid-19

I have been informed by a reliable source that Minister Robert Montegue has lost two of his relatives. He has lost Carlene Angela Rodney his sister and Dorette Lobban his cousin. 

Those who know this Minister, knows that he is full of lyrics and he will speak without a script and have you in stiches for an extended period. Today we know he is a sad man, not only for his relatives but also because of the havoc that this virus is causing across the world and in Jamaica. 

It should be clear to us by now, that this virus is a friend to no one and it is impacting us all. I have lost relatives, friends and even my doctor. This is the time to work together and give each other support. We can also play our part by not distributing the anti-governmental messages about Covid-19 which if we follow these messages, we are the ones who will get hurt or even die. This is one time both parties seem to be working together.

Dorette Lobban
We are now losing a number of professionals and this will also have a major impact on the economy and the rest of us. If we continue at this rate we could find that our children will be out of school for another two or more years. The hospitals are now at full capacity with Covid-19 patients and things are not looking pretty.

The time that many of us are spending arguing about the virus in terms of whether to trust God or the vaccine , our time could be better spent doing what is right. When you lose your life you cannot turn around and say I sorry, let me have my life back so that I can live my life again then we have to be careful.

Carlene Angela Rodney


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So so sad 🤔🤔 my deepest condolences to you Mr Montague and the rest of family 🙏💪

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