Thursday 19 August 2021

Ruddy Spencer Is Improving

Ruddyard Spencer CD
I spoke to Ruddy Spencer this afternoon. Ruddy is a former member of Parliament who suffered a stroke last year. He represented South Eastern Clarendon which is now represented by The Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. Ruddy is a former Senator, a leader in the BITU, and a Deputy Chair of the Industrial Tribunal

He communicated very well with me this afternoon. He is one lucky man, who with the help of his very supportive wife he has improved significantly. He is currently undergoing therapy.

Other Readings:

Ruddy suffers stroke - Gleaner.

Pearnal Charles speaks about Ruddy.


Unknown said...

Wow. Thank the Lord

Chayil said...

Thanks for this good news on Mr Spencer. Thank God. Continue to do well Sir, I send you every good wish🙏🏽

Unknown said...

The good lord is still in the miracle working business.I am so happy to know that he his doing much better now.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I just got a message from Mr. Ruddy Spencer saying thanks.

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