Tuesday 31 August 2021

The Pharma Vaxx Forum Was A Hit - Time For Decisive Action To Deal With Covid-19

Time For Decisive Covid-19 Action 

Vernon L. Derby
The incidence of Covid-19 in Jamaica has reached crisis proportion. If number of infections continue at this rate then not only will more people die but the health sector will not be able to accommodate those who become infected.

It is time for the government to take decisive steps to halt the spread of this virus. These steps that could be considered:

  1. No parties for a year.
  2. No more than 30 persons to be in attendance at a funeral for the next year.
  3. Only students who take the vaccine to be be allowed in school. Unvaccinated students should study at home using courses provided by the ministry accessible online or offline.
  4. Those who refuse to take the vaccine will have to meet the cost for any Covid-19 infection.
  5. Insurance companies should be exempt from compensation persons who refuse to  take the vaccine and who end up with Covid-19.
  6. Introduce a very robust computerized ticketing system for persons who are in breach of Covid-19 protocols.  
  7. A citizen would be required to pay JAD1000 for the first breach of any Covid-19 protocol, JAD50,000 for the second breach and the maximum sentence of one year at hard labour for the third breach. For the fourth breach you could get up to five years at hard labour.
  8. All persons entering Jamaica must take the vaccine at least two weeks prior to entering the country and should produce a certificate showing that the Covid-19 test has been done at least two days before travel.

Add your suggestions for dealing with Covid-19 as comments to this below. If we do not act now then Covid-19 will be with us for a long time.

Pharma Vaxx Forum

Click on the image below in order to view the very informative Pharma Vaxx Forum 2021, put on by the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica and chaired by Vernon Derby


Unknown said...

Some of those stringent measures will lead to anarchy and worsen the situation and lead to more deaths. People should follow the protocols and reduce the spread. Those kind of authoritarian measures will put the government out of power.

Chayil said...

Yes, decisive action must be taken, NOW!
*Strategically close our borders or tighter controls. Influx of tourists/visitors contribute to spread.
* All persons seeking to apply for ANY category of visa (consideration may be needed for emergencies) MUST be FULLY vaccinated with proof!!!
*No face to face worship for 3 months in the 1st instance. Not all Churches practice strict protocols. ( I pause here to big up St Peter & Paul Church). They are serious!!!)
* No funeral services.
* Burials 30 mins.- 10-13 people at graveside ( thinking it is outdoors thus 15 and not 10. However, the science should guide)
*Viewings - 30 mins - 1 hour mins (only permitted at funeral homes)
*increase fines by $1000.00 for each breach plus 6 months community service for each breach). NB: THIS IS FOR INDIVIDUAL BREACHES.
* For organisations (entertainment, funeral homes, offices etc - 100,000.00 - first offence plus increments of 100,000.00 thereafter forxeach$200,000.00 for each breach
the eafter
NB: - who is really checkibg the Public Service?
Generally speaking, the Public Service is in major breach of protocols & duress is placed on persons to come in office even when they can work from home. Some office spaces are cramped, carpeted, air conditioned. Not to mention where windows cannot be opened and elevators are used)
* Schools should be inspected prior to opening and subsequently thereafter.
*Standard check list with basic covid ptotocols at least used to guide inspections. (Introduce 'Mystery Shopping'/'Surprise Inspections' in schools (in a controlled way? Just a thought - again to be guided by science. May not be safe). Cautions are issued each time & these are acted upon forthwith and report submitted in 24- 48 hours.
* Schools fix issues identified within 24 hours or close until fixed & approved for opening.
* Parents are shown and protocols explained. Parents should be able to view from a distance how things are set up for children's safety. They will be able to explain to the children what to expect & help them understand why Mommy or Daddy cant walk you to the classroom door or sit a bit with you.
* Curfew hours remain.
* Closer monitoring of the Transport sector, food establishments, churches( AND NO THIS IS NOT COMMUNISM OR SUPRESSION OF WORSHIP)
* Persons entering - 3 day negative covid test & 14 dys quarantine if not fully vaccinated; 8 if partially vacvinated; 3- 5 if fully vaccinated ( again, guided by science).
* Courts- virtual sessions where possible
* Hairdressers - back to sttictly by appointmesnts & limited nhmber of patrons in shop at given time;
*Vaccinated teachers & students allowed face to face.
A few more to go but time is of essence.🙏🏽
*Are vagrants being vaccinated?
* What is the current status of our places of safety & Seniors Home? ( Old Peoples' Homes)

Megatony said...

My concern is this madness of blitzes and the health system not ready for it.
The army should be put in charge of the logistics, many trained offices there could be utilized.
Why are they not going to the nook and cranny of the rural areas and not expect these poor ppl to take bus, come into the town to spend six hours in a line.
Many churches have offered their place of worship to use in the program.
Come on Mr holiness, time to think out of the box. We seem to love to see ppl bungling up to receive some service

Chayil said...

Got feedback today - Praises to the Soldiers, Medical team & other persons managing the site at Stadium. You were all given thumbs up - double thumbs up at that.
Thanks my fellow Jamaicans. It sure isnt easy but you all show up everyday to serve us.
God bless you & Jamaica, land we love.

Chayil said...

Accepting Churches offer is wise.

We can also offer drive through vaccines in large enough facilities/ locations. Persons can remain in their vehicles with windows down/doors open and observed after vaccinated.
Once safe card issued and they drive out.
Of course logistics would need to be planned to a 'T' & traffic et cetera ironed out

Unknown said...

Good morning Mr.Darby..
I can't understand why the we care programme has asked citizen 65 years and overwho has taken the vaccine should apply for the $10000.and now they are saying if you are getting path or pension you are not illegible don't you think they you before that people in that age group are on path or pension

Unknown said...

Without stringent measures there is likely to be far more deaths. This could lead to anarchy and could put the Government out of power. Which scenario do you prefer?

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