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Juliet Holness Is No Fool!
If Michelle Obama criticized President Obama's VP Biden, I would think she is a smart wife and Obama needs to listen to her. If Hillary Clinton criticized Bill's Secretary of State I would think she is a smart wife and Bill need's to listen to her.
So Juliet Holness criticized Andrew's Ministry of Health. I say PM Andrew Holness needs to listen to this woman because she is a very smart woman. In Juliet's case, she is not only a smart woman and a smart wife but she is also a smart MP. The other ladies are just spouses!
I would advise all men, it is good to have a smart woman at your side who can be your Adviser In Chief. I would give the women the same advice. Why have a partner who cannot be honest enough to speak the truth.
Note: MP's should first defend their constituencies and their country and not their party. Juliet Holness has just defined for us all, who is a good MP. One of the worst thing to happen is to have a government doing wrong things and to have all party MP's supporting the government because the party comes first!
The Following report was received from a resident on Acadia Drive in Kingston:
For almost a year we have been reporting the need to remove vendors from our corridors along Acadia Dive in Kingston. This is a residential community and vending is not allowed. We have been plagued by one particular vendor and no one.. not even the police.. has been able to remove him. I contacted the Town Clerk, Mr Richard Hill who promised to deal with the situation. Up to last week, the vendor was still seen along the corridor selling produce he no doubt stole from the trees of residents in the community. It’s what he does .
We were able to stop him from coming into our complex to get rid of his wares but not before he openly threatened me in front of several residents . One day. he was on the corridors and I along with one of the residents decided to take a pic to support our complaints to the TC. He took up a brick and threatened me in front of the resident and had she not been there, could have easily smashed my head while spouting venom and the worst bad words I had ever heard in my senior years. I reported him to the Grants Pen police and was told that if he was seen in the vicinity of the complex, to give them a call. He disappeared for a while but is now back in full force on the corridor.
There was also the problem of a woman with young baby in tow, begging at the stop lights. A pic and complaint were sent to the CDA. Happy to report that we no longer see her there. The Gleaner vendor was also along the corridor and his presence was encouraging other vendors and loiters. A complaint to the Gleaner and he too has been removed. but the TC seems to have no power. The latest now is that every Saturday, we have a woman who comes up with her car and table, selling detergents, bleach, and soaps, with her baby in the back of the car. She has been asked to remove 3 times and a complaint and photo were sent to the TC. Further, the produce vendor is also back on the sidewalk, having recovered from an attack by his “colleagues” and his goods stolen. With cast on his arm, he continues to sell on his chosen day. It’s only a matter of time before other vendors set up stalls along our corridor, devaluing our property for which we continue to ensure that property taxes are paid.
Writing and complaining to the TC has gotten us nowhere. Seems we are on our own to get rid of these pests .
We are totally frustrated.
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Vendor on Acadia Avenue, in Kingston |
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Vendor on Acadia Avenue in Kingston |
I'm glad that someone managed to get a picture of the nasty smelling smoke that is covering the Jamaica House area so many nights! If one looks carefully one can see that's coming from inside the grounds of Jamaica House. Maybe they are still using the long outdated kiln to burn their garbage!!!???