Monday 24 January 2022

Is Michael Spence Right About The Maroons?

Michael Spence
Michael Spence

I agree that the Maroon voice should be one voice and no one should sell out. If the allegations are true that there are sell out chiefs, that is a very despicable move. I am sympathetic to  Chief Currie's cause no matter what. As a matter of give and take he should apologize on behalf of the Maroons to the enslaved runaways who they caught and returned to their white enslavers.

Black Jamaicans should however seek to do for themselves what Chief Currie seeks to do for the Maroons and have one voice.

Jamaica has to date a third of it's population squatting and that is a disgrace to Jamaica calling itself civilized combine that with black on black badmind and murder. Perfect Divide and Rule techniques.

By Michael Spence


Willo said...

Valid point. It is likely that that given Chief Currie's stand the authorities will feed the seeds of discontent and push violence

Micspen said...

We already have violence for no reason at least this could get people reasoning and lessen the propensity for violence.

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