Saturday 22 January 2022

What's Happening - January 22, 2022

NWC Working To Make Things Better In Cooreville Gardens

The people living in Cooreville Gardens were experiencing some challenges with the sewage system in the area and they sought my assistance. I made representation to the NWC and I must commend the NWC, the management and the staff for the work done to remedy the challenges the residents were having.

I must commend Andrew Cannon and his team for doing a fantastic job in working with me in assisting the customers. 

Reporter Hit By Car While Reporting

Click HERE to see a reporter being hit while reporting from the streets live on TV!

That dramatic accident live on TV


Congratulations to the new head of the JDF, Rear Admiral Antonette Sandra-Lee Wemyss Gorman. Her mother, Marie Freckleton who is a former staff member at the UWI (I went to high school with her mother), and her dad must be proud. Let us wish her and her immediate family all the best also.

Governor General presenting the JDF 
head with her Instrument of Appointment

Some Outstanding Issues - We Must Ask About Them!

  • What became of the Victoria Mutual case in which they were alleged to have breached the DMRA?
  • We have not heard anything further about that plane which crash landed at Rocky Point.
  • We must follow up the case of that 9 year old autistic boy who was killed.
  • Any follow up with that JCDC audit?
  • When will the new traffic ticketing system be ready?



Unknown said...

Yes great job there in Coorebille gardens. Well needed.

Unknown said...

Heartiest congratulations the newly appointed lady JDF chief of staff.. wish her all the best in her new position.

Marvelous Marven said...

Congratulations to rare admiral Antonette, the women are winning

Unknown said...

Congrats and many thanks for your good work advocating on behalf of our citizens. We appreciate your good work. Blessings in abundance is my wish for you

Unknown said...

Congratulations Antonette I am so proud of you this young lady was my neighbor in the country such a lovely lady I know you're going to make us more proud girl 👏👏👏👏

Just sis G said...

Congratulations well done make my country Proud. Thanks Mr Derby for keeping us up-to-date .

Nyema said...

Congrats, the new JDF will need everyone's support

Nyema said...

Now that a woman is in charge, there will be a difference in the leadership organization and power from a womans view, all that's needed now is to give RAC Antonette the support from all, especially from the men

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...


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