Monday 24 January 2022

Wilburn Pottinger Gives His Take On Crime In Jamaica

Wilburn Pottinger MBA, BSc

Crime, violence and disorder are cancers in Jamaica - plagues on us citizens. To address these blights in our society, we need a multi-faceted approach. For sure the following must be included in the solution. 


Laws, rules and regulations must be in place to support and assist with the maintenance and enforcement of systems and conducts required to build and improve the Jamaican society.  These include the following:

  • Constitution - must be reviewed and updated to be relevant to all our citizens and the current situation.
  • Republic State - The constitution & governments must serve the citizens of Jamaica. Anyone in breach must be answerable to the citizens of Jamaica
  • Corruption - this plague saps the spirit and finance of the country and must be minimized with the aid of the requisite and severe laws and regulations.
  • Corporal Punishment - must be practiced humanely Proverbs 13:24 “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”. Laws shall be in place to guide the types of and application of punishments and to also punish personnel who abuse the administration of punishment.
    • Schools - Designated personnel shall administer corporal punishment such as the Dean of discipline.
    • Home - parents & designated caretakers shall administer punishments.
    • Penal systems and designated bodies shall administer corporal punishment which would involve whipping on the buttocks.
    • Penal institutions - education, training, earnings (from intellectual property) shall be actively administered & enforced.

Hard labour

Really hard labour shall be included in the penalty for serious crimes.

Death Penalty

The death penalty must be enforced and enforcement should be within a specific timeframe. The convicted person must be responsible for ensuring that the appeal process is completed within a specific timeframe. The courts and/or legal systems shall facilitate the appeal process. Easiest method of execution may be applied by the state, and this could be by a firing squad


Guilty offenders shall make restitution to offended parties and/or their family

Proceeds of Crime

Citizens assets shall be randomly audited and suspected persons assets shall be audited / traced and seized by the courts and/or authorized bodies. This shall  be done automatically / routinely.

Addressing Crime in Jamaica

Tax - annually mandator tax return shall be made by all citizen & residents - automatic penalty shall be imposed for failure to file returns.
Recall clauses - All Members of Parliament, Government Ministers, Senators, Permanent Secretaries and similar officers shall be subject to recall especially in instances of corruption.

Modern (automated & digital) systems must be in place to support the laws. Databases are to be linked and cross-checked as required for efficiency and ease of access.

  1. Databases - maintained data for all citizens, residents and visitors - data from birth to death
  2. Citizen’s data privacy shall be maintained
  3. Custodians of data shall be severely punished for breaches of privacy and/or improper sharing of data.
  4. IP Surveillance systems - for all cities, towns, major thoroughfares and intersections. Security forces will have access to private individuals and entities system under certain circumstances and within certain time frame
  5. Biometric systems - to operate in conjunction with and/or independent of IP surveillance and database systems.
    • Facial,
    • Retina,
    • Finger prints.
  6. Automatic voters registration of all citizens (regardless of country and/or area of residence) - at age 18. Cross check voting list with immigration, RGD, hospitals. morgues and any other databases - verify by exceptions supported by online verifications and spot checks.
  7. All Ministries, Statutory Bodies, Agencies, Local Government entities / bodies, Police and Military Services, Courts Penal, ticketing systems and other relevant bodies / systems shall be automated, digitized , networked , interconnected and share data as required for security and or other defined uses.


Laws should be diligently enforced by all the relevant bodies & personnel without favor to any citizen, for all breaches of laws - starting with minor breaches such as littering, disturbance of the peace (loud noise), and squatting on public or private property.

Minimize court appearances; most cases as be settled via a ticketing system and / or arbitration - within specified timeframes.

Non payment of tickets shall be subject to serious penalties.
Enforcers shall be subject to server penalties for failing to upholding laws.

Editors Note
Article has been edited to reduce length and changes made to ensure that it will be understood.


Wilburn Pottinger MBA, BSc is a graduate of UTech, UWI and Nova University. He has over 40 years experience in corporate management. He last served as Vice President Information Systems at the Port Authority of Jamaica.


Unknown said...

The article has some workable suggestions but seems to me to be too rigid and points to an autocratic society. Corruption as is stands right now is allowed to fester as the things and people put
In place do not function and there are no consequences.

Unknown said...

While i take his points i still believe that no laws,no police can change the heart of evil men, its the heart that needs changing, each day we past people on the street looking quite ok but inside tells a different story,until good values n attitudes are restored in schools universities media etc we will see no improvements on this society, the Gov must lead from the front on this issue.

Anthony Young said...

While I believe there are workable points raised in this article in particular those which seeks to bring more functionality to our laws; that is, to ensure greater regard is given to them by the citizenry I want to believe that not until we as a community decide to reset our core values we will not find a lasting solution to the problem of high levels of crime we are experiencing. In addition and just as important is the rebuilding of the family unit. The family structure/unit has all but disappeared. We must make a deliberate choice to family unit as designed by God if our community is to be laid on a sound foundation where we are able to raise responsible functional citizens.

Sciencetist said...

Crime is like a sore foot, if not treated seriously it is not going to get better and everyday it is getting worst.The government has no solution for it.

Anonymous said...

Very on point Mr. Pottinger!
You have addressed and spoken to some of the most critical issues affecting our country!
Just today a coworker and I were speaking about some of these very issues.
I hope the powers that be read, digest and enact what you have penned!

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Dear Mr Pottinger, it does not matter how many letters you have behind your name.... Your views are radical and part of the problem! When I started reading about sparing the rod I know that as long as we excuse corporal punishment with a religious metaphor there will be no peace in Jamaica nor in the world...And then you come with justifying the death penalty? Where is you church like thinking "thou shall NOT KILL"!!!! I love serving in Jamaica with all my passion through music, but to have death penalty, corporal punishment and the anal sex laws on the book will me prevent to ask for the citizenship...even after 37 years on the Rock!!!

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Yes, as a dedicated educator for decades I know that by beating your child for every little anger attack is breading cold blooded individuals!!!! In Austria my country we have a saying "husband beats wife, wife beats child, and now the dog is dead!"

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Of course I meant "breeding", but I searched for the edit button....I guess I have to go to IT school.....

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