Saturday 5 February 2022

What's Happening - February 5, 2022

Fighting Crime

Prime Minister Holness
I commend the government's new initiative to get the guns but the country needs far more than this action. A significant number of Jamaicans will have to stand up with the government and the security forces and say we have had enough. Jamaicans must be trusted to be a part of the fight, Prime Minister. We need a Reserve Community Police Force where community persons are engaged to assist in dealing with the local terrorists.

The Prime Minister has our support and he must transform himself into a no-nonsense PM. Bawl if yu wan' fi bawl PM, because that shows that you feel it like any one of us, but you must be decisive in your actions against these terrorist. The Parliamentary Opposition need's to support a state of emergency NOW! We are indeed in a state of emergency.

We need to have capital punishment for premeditated murders, a minimum of about 20 years for assaulting anyone while carrying out any criminals act. life sentence for kidnapping in any form and if  one is convicted of certain serious offences three times, one should get life sentence at hard labour. Prisoners should be responsible for their upkeep and bear the cost of their incarceration by working in the prisons. 

The nice guy image of the PM will work for elections, but at this time PM we need a no-nonsense and decisive Prime Minister. We need a parliament which realizes that the people are tired of petty politics and we need a security force which is free from any interference and will do their work without fear nor favour. Oh yes the time has come when 'Argument Done and Actions Start' (ADAS).

Disturbing Video of Elderly Men Fighting

I received a very disturbing video showing two elderly gentleman in a fracas while persons who looked like caregivers, stood by enjoying the scene. This very despicable behaviour by the caregivers must be condemned by all. It seems as if this happened in Jamaica and therefore I am asking my supporters that if you recognize the persons in the screen captures shown below or the place, please text me with the information to (876) 816-5261. I have not shown the video because some persons might find it disturbing.

The Heart Foundation of Jamaica

Heart month is celebrated each year in February and it is aimed at making us become more aware of the possibility of getting heart disease and possible heart attacks. Remember that you can be looking quite fine and you have a heart problem. The theme for Heart Month is, 'The Weigh to a Healthy Heart'.  If you are obese, have challenges such as diabetes, high blood pressure and similar ailments, you need to monitor your health very carefully. So long as we are alive we must live the best healthy life possible.

Click Here to view this video on the Heart Foundation of Jamaica.

Have a Heart, protect your Heart and check with the Heart Foundation of Jamaica.



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Anonymous said...

Looking at the conditiin of the diapers on the old men its obvious that they have not been changed for hou2! Everyone of those caregiver/workers should be fired! The fact that they founf it so funny is an indication of the level of abuse being experienced by the people in their care. Send dem home!!!

AnnGreaves said...

Mr. Derby tell your prime minister that crime will continue if criminals are certain of getting away. If everything he does is not to achieve this, then he's wasting his precious time.

May God help us all!

Just sis G said...

We need state of Emergency in every Parish.And this Caregivers must send home they are not Care givers .

Unknown said...

It don't look good someone commit a crime police catch him and the court or the law let him go SMH

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I will,

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

What does not look good, is that the people remain as quiet as ever over the matter.

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