Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Blog is a Personal Space To Express Yourself Freely

Vernon L. Derby
Lobbyist, Actor and Broadcaster

What is a blog and why do persons have blogs.  My view is that a blog is an online journal of thoughts, beliefs, record of activities and some of us use it to summarize and comment on news and social activities. Information shared might be factual or false just like information shared by the traditional media  and that is why readers should read with their thinking caps on.

In my blog, Bark Di Trute, I not only share my thoughts but I also allow guest writers to share their thoughts. Many of these guest writers represent large organizations and associations.

The aim of this blog site is to extend my lobby work which is something which I do as a hobby. Since I started doing this blog, many professionals have helped me to grow and to develop my creative skills as a writer. I have been able to create and edit videos, create graphics and post pictures which enhance my blogs. I have actually learnt quite a bit using Microsoft suite of products to create videos and graphics for this blog.

The blog continues to grow and in some months the site has been visited by over 40, 000 persons. This month it has surpassed the 20,000 mark. The good thing is that our political, religious, church, community, professional leaders along with other persons internationally, monitor my blogs.

Persons need to understand that this blog as my personal space is not a news media house. I work on this blog alone. However, I must give thanks to those who identify errors, make suggestions and those who bring matters to my attention for me to blog about.

This blog is now used by many workers, and professionals to publicize matters affecting them and to get support for their positions. My aim is to facilitate this process. I have no intention to censor reports sent to me unless it is libelous, defamatory in nature or support any form of illegal activity or anything which is not in the best interest of the society.

I felt it neccessary post this blog because a few persons have accused me of putting out false information especially about the matter of training in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. Many persons have a challenge with their voices being heard and therefore those who are in authority are unaware of the thinking of those who they lead. This is a dangerous state of affairs. 

I will continue to share things sent to me so that those who are strategically placed can deal with the issues presented. I am amazed that in the case of the controversial matter of the accelerated promotion within the JCF, there are those who only want me to air one side. My job is not to sanitize views but to facilitate the airing of such views. I will give my comments on such views and make my own suggestions, but at the end of the day, it is about bringing all views to you, whether they are true or false.

Those who waste time trying to tear down this process or to compare this blog to the traditional media, do not understand that  social media is here to stay and the responsibility of communicating is not left to the traditional media exclusively but to all of us. Readers must therefore become more selective in what they absorb and believe. The Internet has facilitated the free flow of information. Attempting to control it will be a  total waste of time. We simply have to learn to pick sense out of nonsense and use the information to suit our personal situations.

Let  me close by reiterating that my blog is my personal space shared with the public and if your personal taste does not allow you to accommodate it, then you should just move on. My blog will not encourage cussing but the free flow of ideas and information.


More Readings:


  1. Sir keep on doing what you are doing don't let anybody bully you you're doing a good job and I thank you for sharing things with us because that is how some of us know what is going on in this country.

  2. What!? Is it really so that you are leaving Nationwide. Oh my.. Well certainly miss you and the programme a whole lot

  3. Well said Sir Derby, well said.

  4. Sir when you speak the truth very few stand with you because some dont like to hear the truth anywhere you go bark the truth

  5. Mr Derby some persons don't like when you speak the true are do what is right but you keep up your good work we all are depending on for your help and try and keep safe.

  6. Keeping doing the good work my dear and may God protect u with good health stay strong my brother don't give up.

  7. Well said. Keep doing what you doing

  8. I am a daily reader, keep up the good work. Press on.

  9. I knew the news would be this when I saw you post that picture with the suitcase ☺️, sorry to hear you're leaving,but it must be for better I hope.in life you gotta do what you gotta do,can't too listen to the ñoise a the Market.may god gives you continuous strength, health and protection to carry on your excellent work.


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