Tuesday 26 April 2022

Duppy or Diabetes? Might be Dead Before Answer Comes!

Dr. Christopher Tufton

I understand that it was reported on radio that a don was at the Cornwall Regional Hospital and his cronies requested that he be released. I understand that guns were drawn. It was reported that there was a standoff between the police officers and armed men. I have since received information from someone stating that the information is false. I also spoke to the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton. 

Minister Tufton said that the Senior Medical Officer spoke about the matter today. Dr. Tufton said that what the SMO reported, is that a guy was being treated for severe diabetes. Family members and friends came to get him released from the hospital  and the  doctors said that it was not advisable for that to happen.  They were abusive and loud. It is understood that knives but no guns were seen. The police came and the patient was self released. They left the nurses and the doctors a bit shaken up. Counseling took place and  security was increased at the hospital.

I am surprised that this simple story has become a big hurricane in social media. Is it those who are in social media who are making this mischief? What a country, what a life!

The question is, if the man who left the hospital dies, who would be charged for murder. I hope that whoever is charged, can find a good lawyer and a good obeah man. Probably the obeah man can raised the dead and there will be no need for a lawyer. Mark my word, that man could die tonight. Rather than developing into a modern society we are fast becoming a Madern society

I make a special appeal for someone with sense in Montego Bay, to get that man back to the hospital because his time on earth could be ticking away fast. What an embarrassment if this story hits the world news, "Man Taken From Hospital in Jamaica Because Duppy Dey Pan Him!".

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Micspen said...

I really do not think this is deliberate mischief it's just that we as a people are ultra
creative.This is a perfect Hollywood script.By the way who would have the copyright ,the stations or persons that broke the unverified news I mean without the customary due diligence?.Media competition to break news first always comes with a risk .Anyway "what eyes nuh see no heart nuh lep"

patricia said...

Medical personnel cannot hold a patient in hospital against his wish. In this case, it would be suicide, not murder because it was the man's decision to leave against doctor's

As a side note, I tricked the surgeon into discharging me some days after my last surgery when I knew deep down I wasn't ready. I thought I could get away with it. Within 24 hours I had to be rushed back to the hospital and could have actually lost my life. I will never pull that stunt again!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with some of your comments . If an adult, sober and with 5 senses working, decides to ignore medical advice and self-discharge from the hospital then neither the hospital nor the doctors are responsible for his/her death. You ever hear the phrase "sick nuh care, doctor worse"? Or "every tub stand pon its own bottom" .

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You have not stated which comments you do not agree with nor have you stated why.

Anonymous said...

I believe if a patient want to be release from the care of health providers, is his or her right, no one but themselves is responsible for any repercussions , I was surprised when I listened the breaking new, so I don't know how now the story change, I really hope they're not covering for the so call Don, it's really ashame the things these leaders put up with.

Anonymous said...

How could the media carry a new like that without getting it right I have it on voice note and I was so shock police have to stand off because gun men say so I was saying to my friend the gunman have more power than the police now

Anonymous said...

Well if a so him to dead there is nothing anyone can do about it but what I would love to see all a who come there and take him away they must be charge for his murder yes send a strong to the next person who even think about doing something like that.

Anonymous said...

It maybe that the family members no longer have confidence in our medical institutions, its a concen for many in our society today covid has amplfied this lack of trust,what can be done to reverse this issue?, i say M O H let the process of confidence building begin.

Anonymous said...

Why should anyone worry themself about this man, let him leave. Less stress for the hospital.

Anonymous said...

I notice you said he was 'self releasee", yet the police is saying that it was his mother that he was release to after she signed...Something nuh add up..

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