Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Stephen Shaw The NWA Spinner!!!

Stephen Shaw
Communications and Customer Service Manager - NWA

Stephen Shaw, the public servant who the whole nation knows him by his charm and his sweet sounding voice - a charm and a personality that will take him through the gates of heaven.

Stephen Shaw At It Again 

Stephen Shaw has been the face and the voice of the NWA for many years. Some believe that he is the chief engineer, while others believe that he is Head  and some feel that he is just a fantastic spin bowler for the NWA.

Stephen Shaw was the man who use to give you  the spinners with a charming smile, but he now gives you that serious, intellectual look, the look of an  expert who is a specialist in all areas at NWA. He delivers information on a platter which looks delectable to the eyes, excites the palate, titillates the appetite  but still too good to consume.

This time Mr. Shaw has out done himself.  Mr. Shaw claims that if you change the road from a two way to a four way highway, then there must be some improvement. This is the most illogical statement that I have heard in a long time! Jamaicans all know that getting to work without the traffic snarl each day is just as bad before the road improvement as it is after the road improvement.

Mr. Stephen Shaw will continue to hold that job as he charms us all with his handsome face, partially hidden by the dark glasses. He continues to mesmerize us with the creative use of the English language as he speaks extemporaneously without saying anything substantial about all things related to the work of the NWA. That is how we run our country where sweet talk replaces real achievement


  1. That is the modus operandi in Jamaica. Con artists running the show from the top to the bottom and on all sides. No wonder scamming is a way of life

  2. The job of the public relations person is to make his/her organization look good. The clients will have to get their satisfaction from someone else.

  3. Has it occurred to anyone that there may be more cars on the road? That with fewer JUTC buses (fact),
    there seems to be endless taxis (legal and illegal), and persons laid off they may have bought vehicles? Why does it only have to be about the roads?

  4. You're so right Mr Derby you take us all for a fool but persons are getting wiser now

  5. Yes while he has that sweet talk he is to trim off that grey beard. It doesn't fit him one bit

    1. Agreed! He'd look much better without it. This look says 'ram goat'.

  6. What do you expect, he is a Lawyer.

  7. That is his job go find the answer and prove him wrong

    1. The answer is all over the streets of Kingston which are jam packed each morning. Unless of course you are wearing shades like Mr. Stephen Shaw and you are not seeing well.

  8. This post is getting hot. Pressure is being brought to have it taken down. I wonder why? Share it will all your friends and relatives before it is taken down. It is amazing that some believe that we should not be free to comment about the work of our humble servants.


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