Wednesday 22 June 2022

Killer Of Mother and Four Children In Custody

Crime Scene

2022/06/22 0055 Hours

I just got information from one of my On The Ground Reporters that the suspect in the Clarendon killing of a woman and her four children is now in custody.

I have been informed that the suspect was taken in by the Warsop police. His mother and father are also being questioned.

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One often hear the response that he or she never deserve to die like that. I wonder if anyone deserves to die, unless it is by natural cause.


Anonymous said...

What a wicked act

Chayil said...

Thanks for sharing your talent with us all those years Ricky. Play on and RIPπŸ™πŸ½

Anonymous said...

I hope your source is more reliable than horse changs

Micspen said...

Oh my ,tragic.How does one prevent these kinds of domestic horrific acts.
Condolences to family,friends and all Jamaica.Sad,sad,sad not a sad enough word to describe this sadness.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jamaica needs to revisit the death penalty or the elect chair ,things are getting out of control πŸ˜ͺ time for the many to overcome the few that are destroying Jamaica ,the ones that are disorderly, out of controle,throwing garbage ,disrespecting the authority ,time for Jamaica to take control vote in some one who represents and is for Jamaica better

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sad how the few bad apples are slautering the future, stand up Jamaica take a look what's happening to Jamaica ,let's get rid of the few bad apples and better the country ,people get together ,install cameras ,notify the police ,bring back the death penalty ,3 day max for murder and life for other dangerous crimes they are killing jamaica

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I hope you know that my On The Ground Reporters have never given me wrong information. :)

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