Tuesday 14 June 2022

St. Catherine Parish Council - Deal With Avondale Drive, Spanish Town

The Following message came from a listener:

This is the main road in Avon Park  on Avondale Drive, Spanish Town in St Catherine. We have been reporting this matter to the Parish council, the Police, the MP and any body who is willing to listen no luck in getting rid of the old trucks the noise they make at nights fixing them we need help.


Anonymous said...

Wow they need to do done things about the tru cks sinting there
through out the days into nights

Anonymous said...

So aaf& they get Awayi with it

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm🤔 I wonder. After contacting the relevant authorities and nothing is done, are those trucks there for a reason - hiding, storing or facilitating something? Hmmmm🤔

Anonymous said...

The st Catherine MUNICIPAL Corporation is the worst in Jamaica the first the Corporation is desperately in need of a Mayor.What the purpose of this man He doesn't take responsibility for nothing. Just take a look at the division that he represents areas like Greendale there is no good roads in there. He represents that division for years and look at ilaur

Micspen said...

"Man haffi eat a food", but not at the expense and or discomfort of odda people food,5-8 hours sleep,relaxation and health.Night noise, lack of sleep can send up your blood pressure,cause strokes,erectile dysfunction,low libido,heart disease,cancers,lower your immune sysyem and a myriad of other maladies.Talk to a Doctor who will confirm thats how devastating these disturbances can be in residential communities.The KSAC could also assist persons to find alternative locations for them to go on making a living.

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