Tuesday 27 September 2022

Is This The Same Story That I Spoke About on Radio Many Years Ago!!!

I believe it was about 2010 when I made it public on radio about corruption that was taking place in the police force in Trelawny.  For a number of years I have been speaking about this corruption. I got reports that there were a number of killings taking place by a gang in Southern Trelawny. Counsellor Patmore told me told me about the woman police who allowed a gang member to drive a police car.

I subsequently got a report from a colleague who sold a car to a police woman in Manchester and he was  unable to get payment for the car. He subsequently found out that the car was sold to gangsters in the Trelawny.

Although I spoke about this matter on radio several times and I contacted the then Commissioner of Police about the matter,  I got the impression that this was not a case which was being taken seriously.

Years later a senior police officer  spoke to me and said  that my friend (The corrupt female police) was was now out of the force and the matter was being dealt with. 

Yesterday someone sent me a link to a newspaper report, about a story in Trelawny which seemed like that story that I have always been talking about!

All I can say is, "What a life, what a country". I understand that the Commissioner at that time, is now a senior person at a government institution. I wonder what happened to the other officers who were stationed at the Wait-A-Bit police station who residents say were involved in the corruption?  The are probably senior officers now!

Click here to read the article


Micspen said...

Interesting manifestation in a Criminals Paradise.Hush Jamaica wipe your weeping tears corruption is endemic and only a few like you Missa Derby are willing to stand up and be counted as the rest of us cower in fear for our lives.

Anonymous said...

Gm omg what is happing in my country that is why we do not want to come back there to live. It is just too much to deal with.

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