Wednesday 28 September 2022

Protests Against MPs Seem to be Growing

Lisa Hanna MP

Marsha Smith MP

Phillip Henriques MP

In recent times there have been protests in a few constituencies for the removal of member of parliament. At least one MP from the PNP who persons demonstrated against, has decided not to run back in her constituency. She is Lisa Hanna the Member of Parliament (MP) for St. Ann South Eastern.

Recently there has been reports of demonstrations against Marsha Smith the MP for St. Ann North Eastern. The previous MP was Shahina Robinson. I just received another report this evening that the office of Phillip Henriques, Clarendon Clarendon North Western MP has been padlocked by party supporter.

I will make attempts to hear from MPs. Marsha Smith and Phillip Henriques. Lisa Hana has already indicated her decision to leave the political arena.

Phillip Henrique's Office

I hope these MPs are not all suffering from lock jaw and we will hear from them on Riddim FM soon.


Micspen said...

Both St Ann MPs Lisa Hanna and Marsha Smith are great people themselves.
The Challenge is that the constituents expected Lisa to be a CLONE,replica or superimposition of Mr Seymour Millings or Shahine Robinson who seem to have had almost a one and one face to face relationship with them like their extended family and offspring.They ran their constituencies like a family homeswhere everyone feels special.Both had the advantage of being home grown born/live a yaad MPs.Mr Mullings lived in the constituency by the roadside.To add to that his constituency Committee was like a mastermind grouping of intelligent loyal and reliable networking of people.Do not forget also that he was a top class pianist who played for their weddings,other functions and funerals.I asked him how he managed to be a good effective minister and MP the same time ,you could never imagine how simply scientific his answer was,anyway next time all I would say if any of you want to be a successful MP study those two and their methods those were made to represent.

Anonymous said...

One important thing left out you did not have to be a Comrade or a Labourite for them to assist you.I notice a MP Rhoda Crawford in Manchester se to have the perfect playbook my prediction is she will never lose again only if she told the constituents to vote for the opponent.

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