Wednesday 28 September 2022

Delano Franklyn Needs Blood Now!

Delano Franklyn

I just got confirmation that Delano Franklyn a lawyer, is very ill and he needs blood now. I got quite a few messages from persons who are known PNP, JLP and some just checking to find out if it is true that Delano needed blood. I am touched by the general show of love and concern and persons who want to assist.

Please visit any of the hospitals, and also the National Blood Transfusion Service and give blood for Delano Franklyn. You can also give blood for others who need blood at this time. This blood is urgently needed to save his life.

Delano was an advisor to former Prime Ministers Portia Simpson and PJ Patterson. He was also a State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Anonymous said...

Ok sorry to hear hope he will be ok & I hope he gets blood soon

Anonymous said...

Such a humble man worked in the same office with him at the Education Ministry. Get well soon and please donate to the cause.

Rosina Christina Moder said...

What blood type???

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't matter the blood type. They will give him the type he needs in exchange for the one you donated.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. Get well soon Delano

Anonymous said...

I believe O+ blood type can treat anyon.. check with organization/hospital etc.

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