Thursday 20 October 2022

Christopher Seaga The Fighter The Survivor!

Christopher Seaga

November 21, 2021, I carried the story on my blog about Christopher Seaga, the son of former Prime Minister Edward Seaga who needed a kidney to save his life. The matter was brought to my attention by someone close to the family who felt that I could assist. My only tool was to make this matter public. I believe that Jamaica still has some wonderful and caring people and I knew they would assist and support this lovely Jamaican. 

The moment the blog was posted, the calls started coming in. One thing that I can tell you about my Jamaican people is that even if they don't talk to you, if something goes wrong with you, there is that immediate concern for you. Desmond Allen of the Jamaica Observer saw my story and he published an article in the Jamaica Observer about it. The whole thing now developed wings and the story touched the hearts of all well thinking Jamaicans here and overseas. Someone who worked with Christopher in the hotel sector, said that he was shocked to learn after working with Christopher for sometime, that his father was a former PM. He said to me that Christopher was so humble.

It is nearly one year since that post, and I am happy to report that I just heard from Christopher and the news is good. His medical operation went well and he is now out of ICU and is back on a recovery path. He is now in New York and will remain there for three months. He has to go in for weekly consultations until the doctors feel that he can return to Jamaica. I know some of you are wondering..... wondering what...... All I can do at this time is sigh and say let's hope for the best. The good Lord and the good people will continue to support the young man.

I am looking forward to meeting this fighter for the first time when he returns to the island. Let's also think of helping and assisting not only Christopher but the many other Jamaicans who are having similar challenges. When I talked to him before he left Jamaica, he was concerned about the many Jamaicans who cannot afford dialysis treatment and who are in need of care. Let's lobby our government to work with the UWI Hospital in getting an organ bank facility set up at the University Hospital of the West Indies. This would mean that we could do the kidney transplant in Jamaica.

Thanks to all those who responded to my call for help. Remember this, 'Do good and good will follow you'. Christopher appreciates all the support.


Please share this post because many persons want to know about Christopher's health.


Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news. All the best on his journey to recover 100%

Anonymous said...

A very well written piece Vernon. Your service to us Jamaicans is invaluable and very much appreciated. I shed tears whilst I was reading your article. This is proof that humanity still exists in some of us.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for him, but this is only the beginning! He will need anti rejection drugs for the rest of his life. What Jamaica needs is better healthcare.

Anonymous said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

God's goodness towards His people I'd surely amazing. Hope he'll pull through

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you Mr.Derby

Empress Leona said...

Happy to hear. Speedy and full recovery. Good healthcare should be accessible to all and for all that ails the population. This issue in particular is quite common. It is a shame that one has to go abroad to access medical intervention.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful article well done vernon

Anonymous said...

Vernon continue to spread the one love one heart vibe as you advocate for Jamaicans in need of help. Big up yu self!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news Vernon. Thank God. Speedy recovery Chris. Much love, prayers and blessings.

Anonymous said...

To God be the Glory! Great things He has done! I was thinking about the very same situation. Why we having so many people dying every day and some many people needs so many different organs in the body and have to suffer so much?

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