Monday 3 October 2022

This Must be a Miracle!!!

This is an unbelievable story. The sender was so shocked that he did not get the persons name who did the good deed. If you are the person then send a WhatsApp message to me at 876 816-5261. 

Hi Vernon. My name is Barry Williams. I have been a Christian for the last 53 years. (I am 67 years old)

Last week Wednesday  night September 29th, I parked my car in my garage in Golden Acres, St. Andrew

I removed some of its contents( including my wallet, which contained a significant amount of cash, all my credit cards, all my health cards, and my Driver's licence) from the inside of the car and placed them on the top of the car, the intention being to make several trips upstairs with the contents of the car and place them in specific rooms upstairs. On Thursday September 29th, I drove to a business place, parked the car and did some business. I then drove to 6 other business places including the Tax Office at Constant Spring (you know how crowded this place is at month end). I conducted my business at the Tax Office and headed for home driving through Cassava Piece and on to Roehampton Close.( All told I spent about 3 hours on the road, with the car parked in various locations for long periods). On reaching Roehamption Drive, I heard an incessant horn-blowing behind me. Now I must tell you that I am very intolerant of vehicles blowing me from behind on the road (taxi men are notorious for this) as I am convinced that it makes no sense to drive faster than 40 _ 50 km per hour anywhere in Kingston as the roads and traffic do not allow for a faster speed. When the taxis try to blow me out of the way, I slow down to between 10 _ 20 km per hour, and when they try to overtake me, I turn on my right indicator, and take great pleasure in seeing and hearing them slamming on their brakes and falling back in the line of traffic behind me. However, this horn-blowing sounded desperate and I saw that it was not a taxi so I decided to pull over into the Rubis gas station on Red Hills road across from the former (Price Rite Supermarket)(people still call it by that name). On pulling over a 4 x4 pickup pulled up alongside me and a the nice lady driving, gently said " Sir is that your wallet on the top of your car?".I came out of my car and investigated, and sure enough, there it was _ my wallet cotaining all that I described above, sitting on top of my car_ a Toyota Rav 4 ( you know their tops are VERY smooth). Well I recovered my wallet, thanked the lady profusely and told her she was an angel, but before I could get her name, she just smiled at me, waved me off and drove away. I would like to meet her again to thank her officially. The 4 x 4 pick up was grey in colour with " 4 x 4 written on the sides. The lady was dark in colour with very bright eyes and a beautiful smile. I see this as a miracle directly from God for the following reasons:

  1. There is no way the wallet could have remained on the top of the car without falling off, with me driving downhill/uphill/along very bumpy roads from Golden Acres to Constant Spring road .
  2. I made several stops over the 3 hour period I was on the road, and in very crowded areas. How is it that not even one pedestrian saw the wallet and stole it. I believe that God deliberately blinded their eyes to the wallet.
  3. In today's Jamaica, you are not going to find many people who did what that lady did. She drove out of her way for nearly one mile, blowing her horn to help me. 

I really want to meet her again!!! Thanks.


Chayil said...

Thank you sharing Mr Williams & thanks to the lady too. Good is all around us. It's just that the bad is more often spoken of.
I enjoyed reading this. It reminds me of the Jamaica I lived in as a child.

Anonymous said...

Lovely story I don't like reading but I read it all.lovely lady as well.i too have a small story but I'll share it with u one day when I call..I didn't like the part where he said he slow down and put his indicator on so the taxi cannot pass him..I know taxi men are disgusting but that is not nice with you doing as a l9ve

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely story I enjoyed reading it

Donna said...

Good samaritan God bless her ,hope she meet that lady again. Big up that lady very nice of her

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Some taxis create havoc on our roads. Traffic tickets have not helped, the police cannot manage them and it is said that some are owned by police officers. The action of this gentleman is what you call citizen action against indiscipline. I don't believe that because you are a Christian you should not fight back. If the church and other religious persons were fighting back this country would not be in this state. I can only find a few pastors who are giving me support in terms of what I am doing. If we had more persons fighting back like Mr. Williams, then we would have less challenges with motorists especially taxis.

Micspen said...

Rhatid!sorry Missa D but miracle is not big enough a word to describe this miraculous incident.
Bright people which word is appropriate.
As bad as one may think Jamaica is even as a "Criminals Paradise" we are some of the most kind and compassionate people on the planet earth, that lady is one of them so big up to you madam.Wait Jamaica is going to see a turn around when all the people become conscious of the many idiotic things taking place and embrace one love one heart,one country,one aim and one destination.
Peace and love everytime.As Usain Bolt says "TO THE WORLD".

Anonymous said...

Awesome God always come through for us and this is one of the time he does.Thank the Lord.

Anonymous said...

About 12 years ago I found a bag of money with almost J$1,000,000.00 at Pricesmart and made sure that it was returned to the owner. The owner didn't say thanks. Good people are out there. Keep hope alive. Bless.

Anonymous said...

The owner was probably too shocked.

Anonymous said...

It is a tale that gives us hope. God is good. But I must say though that as nasty as some taxi persons behave we should not repay evil with evil. Let us live in faith and pray that Jamaica will turn from its evil ways.

Margaret said...

I really enjoyed reading this article. We have more good people than bad. I hope Jamaica will one day return to how it was when I was a child. Thank you Vernon, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!this is amazing!tell that gentlemen. Mr.Derby,that He would've done the same,for what goes around ,comes around.This is the best story I've heard in a long long time:Angels are. real for sure.Each one of us can be angel in desguise.O what a beautiful story.You. have made my day!thank you.

Javel Scott said...

An awesome God we serve. This is to show how God cares for our needs. He is watching us. He is with us wherever we go. We need to serve him. God bless you

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