Tuesday 13 December 2022

Long Suffering Customer's Open Letter To Scotia Bank

Mrs. Audrey Tugwell-Henry
President and CEO of Scotia Group Jamaica Ltd.

Last week I was able us use my phone and adjust the controls on my credit card. It works very well because if I am on the road, and I want to increase or decrease the expenditure allowed, I could do it at any time so long as I have the cellular phone on me.

Yesterday I needed to make a purchase and I wanted to use my cell phone to increase my credit card limit and I was unable to do so. I checked all the menus, and I could not find the menu which I used before, I started to check my memory because I was sure that this was the onset of dementia. The experience was traumatic. “I was traumatized,” to use a quote from my fellow Jamaicans which is their response when they are overwhelmed with a challenge. I was fully convinced that I was suffering from dementia, so I did not call the bank. I must admit that I hate to call the bank and speak to someone who speaks with a non-Jamaican accent. I was now convinced that I should not call the bank, but I should call the doctor instead.

I was not brave enough to check with the doctor, so I called the contact number for the bank. I could not understand a word that the customer service representative on the line was saying because he was speaking with an accent which is very foreign to me. I eventually got from him that this option is no longer available on the phone, He told me that I must use a computer to adjust my credit card controls.

The question is, why Scotia Bank did not put a notice on the mobile app advising me of this change? Why has this option on the cell phone been removed? How can my bank dis me like that? They have been my partner for over 40 years. The poor gentleman who answered the phone at Scotia, did not have a clue. It is a good thing that I speak the English language as my second language. Other Jamaicans who do not speak the English language well, would have had a challenging time communicating with this Scotia representative. 

In concluding, please note that once Porus was a town. but the whole of Jamaica can be called Poor US!!! Mrs. Audrey Tugwell-Reid, I heard you giving a big speech on TV about how much billions the bank has made. I am not asking you for any of the billions, I only want to get one sense out of this, because this no mek no sense. You are making a profit and I am at a LOSS!!!

Please give us a better service so that I can show you a smile which is as beautiful as yours. Have a good day.


If you are having challenges with your bank, then add your issues as comments. Let's work to ensure that we profit from our relationship with the banks while they make big profits!


Anonymous said...

I empathize fully. The communication system in place for Scotia is nerve racking and a complete waste of productive time.
You are passed on from one person to another and nobody seems to be able to solve your issue. Can't stand the system they have. Completely frustrating!!! Dem sen' up mi pressure!!

Anonymous said...

Vernie, I had accounts with Scotiabank for many years and their service was so poor/frustrating I eventually closed all of them in March last year and transferred to JN Bank but I realized that I "swopped black dog fi monkey". My experience with the Banking system in Jamaica leaves much to be desired. Up to Monday night I tried to access my JN Bank accounts online and was informed that access has been denied. I haven't called them because I'm not in a frame of mind to be given the usual run around so I'll suffer the inconvenience and refrain for the time being.

Anonymous said...

The banks I think deliberately try to frustrate customers to reduce cost. Less calls, less inbank services, less workers, more profits.

Anonymous said...

Banks need to give better service to their customers

Anonymous said...

This is typical of BNS. They do not communicate and set limits and carry out actions that are not business friendly. I am waiting over one week to transfer $720,00000 which I could have easy done by cheque. There is no one to talk to and calling on the phone is like a mase.

Anonymous said...

The controls will be back right after the high spending season ( Christmas) it's a mechanism to get you to overspend. It is far more convenient for you to be able to adjust your card limit by phone and to make that available via your computer makes no sense. Additionally, if they say it's for your safety, mechanisms are available to safe guard your phone if hacked. Trus mi!

Anonymous said...

Whenever, I think of Scotia (BNS) the first words that come to my mind is "confused, disrespected, inefficient, or don't care about their customers". All they are interested in is getting your money at any cost to prop up their bottom line. They are totally oblivious to the needs of the Jamaican people. ( Cultural or otherwise). They certainly know nothing about serving the "needs" of the banking public.

Anonymous said...

It is disgusting. For hindreds

Anonymous said...

It is disgusting. For hindreds of years, these banks provide a bank book for small users, ensuring that you keep a current balance at all times by looking in your book. Now you have to go on line. God help you if you have no online facility. The record is a piece of torn off machine tape. They are at liberty to manipulate, your account without your knowledge. When you go to the bank your money cannot be accounted for. There is another word for that. Millions have been lost this was. God help the senior citizens.

Anonymous said...

The piece of machine tape

Anonymous said...

The piece of torn off machine tape they give as record/receipt fades in a week. People who have no computer/copying facilities at home have to depend on memory for their balance. God help those of us who are in our Winter years. When you go to the bank, your money is gone. If you don't have support from younger persons who know the system. Your money disappears elsewhere. They cover it up when you are onto them SHAME BNS. How your officers sleep at nights?? Old people's tears are on you. I know what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

I have gradually disengaged with BNS- So relieved

Anonymous said...

Been telling everyone- Switch to EDUCOM CREDIT UNION- Simply the Best with so many added benefits

Anonymous said...

We will never be able to profit from certain banks and that does serve some of us right. If we truly love Jamaica, as Jamaicans we should support our local banks and that is where our voice will matter most. These foreign entities focus on their foreign owners' need and send so much of their profit to foreign.

Anonymous said...

I concur that Scotiabank is grossly dissing the people of Jamaica. They have closed branches then when one goes to the few remaining ones we are treated as mendicants!
We have to wsit outside for hours then when we do get inside there is another interminable wait.
We see twenty windows but only four are manned. Those four staff members are overworked and tired.as the bank has cut staff. With the BILLIONS being declared in profits , surely the bank can retain or rehire enough tellers to handle the increased traffic in the few remaining branches. Going to the bank should not be an all-day event!

Anonymous said...

BNS is like that! They just don't want you to see transactions until after the fact. They have a lot of small charges that add up and you don't even know what the charges are for. And when you finally get to speak with a rep they tell you it's "bank charges" These small amounts from poor unsuspecting customers are what makes the millions in profit.

Anonymous said...

I love this letter, maybe I should pen one to Jamaica National bank, because they up the price of the insurance without any notice, and you see they get away with these things, because, because we have no proper representative , because it doesn't matter how much we complain we see no changes.

Anonymous said...

I concur with ALL the negative comments above

Anonymous said...

😂 You never know they are all in bed with each other when you switch?

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe in “the coming of the king “ but the end of time is mos certainly drawing near..with the degradation of everything needed for the existence of the human race!!..it’s DIABOLICAL!!

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