Wednesday 26 April 2023

Terrible Accident In St. Thomas & What's Coming Up on SpotOn


10 persons were injured in a head-on collision involving two Toyota Probox motor cars travelling in opposite directions along the highway between Albion and Grant's Pen in St. Thomas, Tuesday evening, April 25. One was confirmed dead and ten persons were injured.

Note: 2023/04/26 News report indicates that three persons are now dead as a result of the accident.


Robert Collie

Wednesday, April 26, 2023, on SpotOn, will prove to be an exciting start for the programme with lawyer Robert Collie who will take a look at the judiciary system. He will be my guest during Talk Yu Talk. The wheels of justice move so slowly that sometimes in Jamaica, we feel it is grinding to a halt. Let's hear what he thinks about this and what some of his suggestions are. I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter, so please send me your voicemails at 876 816-5261. Join us - 'The People's Station Making A Difference with SpotOn'.

Andre Monteith

Andre Monteith will join me for Technology Talk. Tune in and keep abreast of what is happening in the field of technology, whether you are a business person, a student, or someone who just wants to keep abreast of what is happening in the field of technology. Andre is committed to helping others. He has been doing a great job sharing his information on Riddim FM during Technology Talk on SpotOn.

Wendel Wilkins

Wendel Wilkins is my special guest for Legally Speaking. He is a very experienced lawyer who can be heard on a number of radio stations in Jamaica, sharing his knowledge of the law with the people. I have given him the title, 'The People's Lawyer', and that title has now stuck with him.

Wendell is an active member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Jamaica which has over 307,000 members, worshipping at 738 churches and congregations.

He has been assisting my listeners for over 10 years now. and he rarely misses a show. We are very grateful for the work of this humble Jamaican, who has been assisting consumers, members of his church, and also through his work assisting the wider population via radio.

Wendell's office is located at 78 Slipe Road, Kingston 5, and his office number is (876) 906-3015.

Listen to Riddim FM


Anonymous said...

Very sad news about that accident. Such pain and suffering from the carnage on our roads. Confirms what I have been saying over and over again: increased traffic fines cannot stop the carnage on our roads. Indiscipline is our problem and that will never be fixed so the carnage will continue

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the jury system and half the problem is gone. Cases will be heard more speedily and justice will be better delivered. The only set of jurors in this country who make any sense are those in the corporate area. Jurors are afraid , they lack interest in these cases, they just do not want to be a part of the system

Anonymous said...

OMG 😳 it doesn't matter how many die or get hurt they still won't stop speeding and overtaking, sad , condolences to the family and friends of person who lost their life

Anonymous said...

Omg speeding kills👹

Anonymous said...

I agree, but first our so called laws have to be urgently updated. This however does not seem to be priority with the powers that be. Jamaica thinks that it is better than other Caribbean Islands, but when you look into it, we are the most backward. Jamaica thinks that sports and music puts us on top. No it's good leadership and a Government that cares and looks out for the people

Anonymous said...

Indiscipline can be addressed, it takes persistence and perseverance however the process cannot be supervised by the corrupt!!

Justice delayed is Justice denied! That's the reality of our 'Justice System'.

We are a strong, brilliant people/nation, we can do better, we must do better, we must expect better. We owe it to our forefathers, we owe it to our children, we owe it to ourselves.


God Bless Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

The indiscipline continues on our roadways, as the new laws are not being reinforced. Some policemen, I understand, are taking money to look the other way. Nothing has changed!

Anonymous said...

The Highway is still in construction and there are certain section of the road that was barricaded and can you believe that the EAT-A-FOOD taxi men keep pulling the barricad to drive fast and furious to make 40 trips between Kingston and Yallahs. Such indiscipline
I would rather walk than take those killers.

Anonymous said...

They do not follow the rules very sad

Anonymous said...

How worst can this get? Taxi men taxi men, all about the money nothin is wrong makin money but som a these taxi men taken it on another with crazy driving

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