Wednesday 2 August 2023

Give Thanks - It's Another Year - Part I


The Moon on My Birthday - Shining Brightly

It's another year -  thanks to God, I live to see another day - July 31, 2023. 

The moon was peeping through the banana leaves in all its glory - another day was coming to a close.  

Three years since that special dinner with a friend and her mother. I had this unusual feeling, which forced me to visit the bathroom frequently during the sumptuous meal - No, it was not a case of diarrhea. 

A few days before Christmas Day, I was having a grand time with the management and staff of the Consumer Affairs Commission. I was visiting the bathroom more often than usual. 

A few days later, I went to bed, and when I woke up, it felt as if I had been asleep for a day or more.  

When I awake in the mornings, I realize the fellow failed to wake up on time. I wondered if the fellow was getting older, getting ready to depart this earth, or he was just tired. 

These signs and wonders were now becoming frightening.

One afternoon I felt things were now getting serious, and I jumped into my car,  determined to reach the hospital as quickly as possible.  A few meters from home, I noticed that night was approaching faster than usual. I was able to see without my spectacles and that seemed strange. I thought, what the hell is happening and happening so quickly? 

While driving to the hospital, I got a telephone call which was ended prematurely. It was getting darker and darker, and I was losing control over my senses - my automatic control system took over, and I felt as if the car was controlling itself. I went across from Kingsway Avenue onto Hope Road, made a left turn, and then a right turn onto the Andrews Hospital compound. "Did I break the stoplight, and how I reached the hospital compound?" I asked myself.

I had difficulties completing my registration at the hospital because my body said, "I cannot go any further. I have taken you to the hospital, and that's enough". 

I was placed on a bed, and I remember the doctor hovering over me with some gadgets. He said, "This is an emergency!". 

I replied, "I have to go to the University Hospital?"

He replied, "You cannot leave because it's an emergency".

The next thing I knew was that I was upstairs in a hospital bed with various tubes connected to me, and events were happening so fast that my brain did not understand what was happening. 

A few minutes later, I felt like going to the bathroom.  I attempted to get off the bed, which resulted in all the equipment falling apart. 

The attendant saw what was happening, and she screamed, and the screaming attracted the nurses nearby who rushed to my room.

It was the beginning of an extended period in the hospital, and not being sure if I would see my home again.

Part II

Part III



Anonymous said...

Lovely ๐ŸŒ

Anonymous said...

Lovely moon๐ŸŒ

Anonymous said...

God in his glorious character

Anonymous said...

God is good all the time. Praise God you are writing this story. You are my foundation friend, and I am happy that you are here.Yes, the sun rises

Anonymous said...

God is a wonderful miracle worker. He never fails. Anyway, you should write a book...your writing skill is excellent

Anonymous said...

Storytime. I can't wait to hear tye next part

Margaret said...

Enjoy the story. Waiting for the other part.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Sir Vernon! A time you write your Book and put it on the ❤️ and minds of your beloved Jamaican people. Wa you say?

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

It takes a lot to maintain this blog and now you want me to write book :)

Anonymous said...

Thank God He take you to the hospital right on time Jesus take the wheel from you oh what a might God thank you Lord your work on earth was not complete my friend

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