Sunday 13 August 2023

The Workers are Crying out For Help Minister Pearnel Charles

The Hon. Pearnel Charles
Minister of Labour and Social
Too many Jamaicans are facing uphill talks dealing with challenges with where they work.  This is because some workplaces are not paying over statutory deductions such as NIS and NHT to the relevant organizations, persons being employed on the so-called contract basis are not enjoying certain benefits which accrue to other workers, those affected negatively by environmental hazards, and staff members who have to endure physical and emotional abuse.  

I will look at the challenges reported to me by former staff members at IRIE FM in this blog.

In the words of Beverly Davis:

After over twenty-odd years of service at Irie Fm, the winner of many awards as a top producer. I developed bronchial asthma on the Job because of mold. Mold was first discovered in the building when the place was refurbished. I did not know the dangers. then treatment was recommended by persons who were painting the building which was approved and bought in by the said Managing Director before contracted workers were able to continue with the painting. It appeared again in early  2018 when a number of us suffered respiratory problems which affected me worst. The office was closed from July 2018 -December to effect repairs on the building. My primary medical representative wrote to them about my condition advising them that I should not return until the place was fixed properly now. Please see the pictures and other relevant info as proof.

This challenge points to several challenges:

  1. To what extent does the Ministry of Labour inspect workplaces?
  2. Are the management of organizations required to not only give financial reports but also reports on the environment at the workplace?
  3. Are organizations required to have a professional certify the status of the environment in which workers have to work in?
  4. What action will the Ministry of Labour and Social Security take to deal with this issue?
  5. What action will IRIE FM take to resolve this matter?
  6. Is the government satisfied that the environment is now safe at this organization?
This matter concerns us all, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and IRIE FM should respond. 

Who cares, and what action will be taken to deal with this issue. Is this a case where the small man gets licked, and the big man holds di stick? 

Over to you The Hon. Pearnel Charles.

The following email was sent from Nicholas Evans, the Sales Manager on August 19, 2018

The following email was sent on July 16, 2028, from Nicholas Evans:

The following letter was written by Beverly Davis to Nicholas Evans on August 1, 2018:

IRIE FM's Response:

Medical Report from Staff Member's Doctor:

Medical Report from Company's Doctor:

Editor's Note:

If you are having workplace challenges, please send a WhatsApp message at (876) 816-5261.



Anonymous said...

This is crazy

Anonymous said...

Management it's incumbent on you to pay Miss Beverly Davis you mean that after so many years of working and becoming ill on the job you haven't seen it fit to compensate her you are wicked

Anonymous said...

I've been following this story since I heard it on YouTube and now here! This woman is clearly love and its terrible how these companies handle their staff and even more terrible how the ones elected to serve and protect just sit and watch their people suffer. I hope she gets her due justice. This is sad and elected needs to get involved NOW!!!
No more work abuse, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Anonymous said...

This is so sad and crazy. For miss Davis who stood by the company and work so hard over the years and get sick on the job....Enough is Enough Miss Davis sign all pictures what I see for proof...what I see so far miss Davis is a good woman I hope she get her due justice... ya'll is so dangerous 😡😈

Anonymous said...

One would agree with the infamous saying, by the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread. Therefore, it is unfair for one to not be compensated after their labour. No matter your ranking or status in society no one would want to work in an uncomfortable working environment especially if it is causing health issues rather than improving your standard of living. Aunt Bev is known for always doing her best at any task given to her no matter if it seems difficult. She has used patience throughout all the health risks within the workplace by giving them the opportunity to fix the issue and improve the working condition. However, one can bare so much and no more. It's fair for her to be granted her workman's compensation after seeing no improvement rather than staying and allowing her health to be at risk.

Anonymous said...

Minister Charles please look into this matter urgently because people re hurting also kindly get your building inspector to go throughout the island to do same. Enough is enough 😌

Anonymous said...

Heartless management and Directors .God going judge you all. Oonu have family free up MS Davis oonu hear. Iriefm oonu hear. Take heed judgement

Anonymous said...

It is very sad that there are many employers like this in our country; however, what is even worse is that the persons in charge of overseeing that corrective measures are carried out either dragged their feet or are paid to sink the case file. We are now calling upon Minister Charles to find out what has happened to this case in a department that falls under His portfolio. It is a shame that after so many years a case that should have been closed is still dragging on. Mr Minister, the good book warns that whatever you do to others keep in mind that your day is coming

Anonymous said...

Bev Davis contributed so much to the success of this company, through her years of dedication and belief in what this company used to stand for, only to be disrespectfully thrown out, not because of a failure to carry out her responsibilities, but simply because the management was carrying out a Personal Vendetta. Minister is a prime example of the atrocities being faced by workers, your intervention is needed so some justice can be had.

Anonymous said...

It’s a palling to say the least. So I have a seasoned veteran. A hard worker. Someone who dedicated more than 20 years of their life to a company and to treat her with such disregard it’s a shame. Minister I hope you will do the right thing and fight for Miss Davis and she has been treated with in justice.

Anonymous said...

This is major wickedness after so many years of service .Ms Davis was a dedicated hard worker at Irie Fm and this is the outcome , so unfair but remember there is such a word KARMA

Anonymous said...

Wow! Guess we are all watching the outcome of this situation! Impossible to think a Corporate Company would let this happen to thier dedicated and trustworthy employees of so many years,! Yes we are watching the outcome.

Anonymous said...

This is no surprise. That company has been hijacked by a wicked woman who is the cause of many senior staff leaving Irie F.M. She has formed alliances with the mew staff against the old and refuses to do right by the workers in her capacity as Managing Director. Their board is also pretty much turning a blind eye to all of the workers’ ill faith and the company continues to run amock of labour and other laws. Irie FM must be investigated for this and other terrible things going on there internally.

Anonymous said...

Such disgusting management from management and the other superiors

Anonymous said...

This is a great is injustice, to this dear lady, something have to done, for her to be get justice

Anonymous said...

This is taking too long, after so many years, why are they still not paying her what is due to her, these people are insane or something, they are to be chargé and go to prisons

Anonymous said...

Obviously they think they are bigger than the laws of the country and so they can do as they like. I am pretty sure the relevant Government authorities were not called in. I agree prison fi them. A joke thing this. Then IDT nuh jus rule in favor of the staff for compensation for the wicked things management them doing there to staff Friend and Company. Board of Directors don't have a voice. Set of fools.

Anonymous said...

It's so sad to see some of these things happen but the Lord will always win. The company must pay Ms Beverly Davis and even compensate her for the delay in payment. How can they be such wicked and cruel.

Studio55production said...

Irie fm needs to do the right thing and give Ms Davis what is due to her and other members of staff that is been treated unfairly

Anonymous said...

Many bosses are benefiting from the hard work of the poor people while we get nothing in return but their low wages and health issues

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