Friday 6 October 2023

Government and Opposition - Action on Crime NOW!

We Have Hit Rock-bottom

The killers are not selective in who they murder these days. This week the scums attempted to murder a school principal, and they murdered the vice-principal of GC Foster College. They have murdered an MP in the past and two councillors this year, if my memory serves me right. The next step is for the criminals to target the Prime Minister or the Opposition Leader. 

It has been suggested that more political figures should have security persons assigned to them. Jamaica needs effective action to deal with the high level of crime, specifically murders in the country. 

Our aim should be to restore law and order for all citizens of Jamaica. We should target the home, the school, the community and the country. To do this, the government must lead from the front, and the Prime Minister must be a firm leader with a vision of where the country needs to go.

Target Families

Every child must have a mother and a father registered on their birth certificate. Parents must be obligated to care for and protect their children. Failure to do so means that measures should be taken against these irresponsible parents. One such action would be to discourage them from having more children. 

Parents should be liable for the actions of their children, and there should be sanctions against these parents. Their only defence would be to prove that they are responsible parents. Social Workers should be assigned to communities. These social workers' jobs would be to guide and assist parents in the socialization of their children. Parents would be legally obligated to participate in activities relating to their children. For example, they would be required to report to the school when summoned by the school administration. They should attend a minimum number of parent/teacher association meetings. They should participate in counselling sessions organized by the school administration.

Target The Community

Social Workers with community responsibilities should be assigned to all communities. These social workers would be responsible for community activities such as sports and cultural activities. They would also be responsible for dealing with the challenges that community members will face living in these communities. They will also provide guidance, especially to the young people. 

Communities should have community courts presided over by at least one JP and two other community members. These courts would preside over petty deviant behaviour of community members and disputes between residents. People can appeal the decision of these community courts in a resident magistrate court. All complaints to the community court should be recorded in a computerized system.

Target The Schools

A national computerized demerit and merit system should be instituted in all schools for students. Each school should have a student disciplinary committee comprising a parent, a student, a teacher and a community member appointed by the Board. This committee would deal with actions in breach of the school regulations. Students who commit criminal offences should be reported to the police. Students convicted by the court must not be allowed to return to the school. 

Students should only be promoted to another class if they have satisfied the required standards of their current grade. Demerits and merits earned should be recorded on the child's school leaving record. If the child has been reformed and displays excellent conduct, then an appeal can be made for demerits earned to be removed from their records.

Target The Country

I recommend a compulsory registration of all citizens. This system should record their biometric information digitally. This system would be used to identify people who break the law.

We should institute a National Offence Ticketing System (NOTS) to deal with petty offences. The National Identification system would be used to identify these persons. If someone does not pay for these tickets in the time allowed for payment, then these tickets should incur penalties.

Enemies of the state in the category of gang members, murderers and rapists should be excluded from society permanently. Anyone who commits an offence while incarcerated should have their time in prison extended.

Prison terms should be reserved for persons who are a danger to society. If someone is not a danger to society, they should be made to pay for their crime outside of prison. This could mean house arrest and working and cleaning gullies.

Do It In Two Years

We can implement these suggestions and more in two years and change the course of this country. Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Opposition Leader - Time to lead is now!

Click here to listen to the interview with Mr Vishu Tolan, the Board Chairman for the GC Foster College.

Note: Please add your suggestions for actions to be taken to deal with Jamaica's chronic crime problem. You can make a difference! 


It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...

Both of them need to work together to solve the crime

Anonymous said...

Strong suggestions. Would love to have them discussed in a public forum.

Anonymous said...

Very good siggestioms Vernon. In addition to your points, death penalty for murder, gun and hard drug trafficing (within 6 months of conviction) and whipping MUST be included as punishment. The asset of convicted persons must be seized to cover the cost of trials, execution and compensation to victims.

Anonymous said...

I think they should bring back execution this is not good in my country

Anonymous said...

Our so LAW has to be revised, these leaders don’t wroth a penny, nothing is happening in this country, it’s free for all, all the do is collect a big salary at the end of the month, for what, seriously all of them is worst than the murders and rapist , we as citizens has nothing going for us, both the leaders and the murders , rapist are killing us slowly .

Micspen said...

Crime is a huge industry and if you imagine I act negatively on that industry the fallout can be catastrophic.
You say we have hit rock-bottom I guess you mean that crime has become dysfunctional to the society.
Not so since the crime industry is one if the fastest growing and lucrative industries in the country.
The legitimate sector that employs 12,000 JCF members ,6000 JDF,30,000 security guards 7000 lawyers,Ministries of Justice and Security,11 prisons,2000 Correctional officers.
Also note that it costs $Ja1.5 million p.a to keep a prisoner.Add to that transportation, maintainance of buildings and food services plus clothing.The World Banks notes Jamaica spends 5% of its GDP on crime that's the legitimate sector.
Look at the illigitimate sector with assorted criminality ,gangs etc.
Employment of robbers,drivers,hitman,
mechanics,gunsmiths etc.
Ligitimate crime m e sector plus the Illigitimate sector a is no less than 10% of GDP more than Agriculture at 8% of GDP.
A significant sector of the society if you significantly curtailed crime it wouldn't be long before demonstrations wit placards that read "we want crime ,we want work".
There are countries in the world where prisons are closing down because of an inadequate supply of convicts.
Tackling crime has to take intelligent holistic thinking and action that I s lacking in our society.

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