Monday 9 October 2023

Mayor Williams - Time to Say Bye! We Still Love You

Mayor Delroy Williams

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Council (KSAMC) led by a Jamaica Labour Party-controlled(JLP-controlled) council, and the Government of Jamaica, led by a JLP-controlled government, must understand that the crab story at the National Heroes Circle last week is a disgrace of international proportion. The incident is about a woman relieving herself at her crab stall, cleaning up things at the same place and disposing of the bit of toilet paper in a bucket in the vending area. 

Vendors should not do business close to the location of the new parliament building. A self-respecting Jamaican nor a leader who respects us should expect us to eat from those ladies again. Eating from those ladies in the future would remind us of the crab woman story!  

Demit office now, Mayor Williams, because the buck stops with you. I heard you on a radio station blaming our culture and the fact that these vendors were there for a long time. Apparently, you believe that your job is to maintain the nasty culture!

You offered excuses on air this afternoon. Are you just trying to be a nice guy Mayor Williams? Leading is not about being a nice person and blaming the culture of the people. Mayor Williams, please take steps to cauterize the municipality's ills. The nastiness at National Heroes Circle should not be blamed on culture nor how long it has been going on. Blame ineffective leadership. 

The buck stops with you Mayor Williams. Take a walk - your party could get a third term! They could give you a diplomatic post somewhere. Leave gracefully, and Kill the crab story and give your party a fighting chance.


It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...

Bizarre! No words

Anonymous said...

That woman Alice should not be given a food handlers permit again. She should go clean shit from now on.

Anonymous said...

Vernie, I live in the diaspora and I am extremely flabbergasted by the utterances of that representative of the current polítical Administration. I, like all my like-minded Jamaican who wholeheartedly disagree with him that a most animalistic conduct by that crab Vendor is a relection of our Jamaican culture. Perhaps he may want to withdraw his comment and confine it to himself and the very minor members of his likeminded people.

Anonymous said...

So sad things should have been in place to accommodate them there🌻

Anonymous said...

V, I applaud you for addressing this matter ,personally I don’t think this is an isolated issue I do believe it’s widespread so he may be correct but it’s because leaders are not doing what they are supposed to do , some of these people in these positions are not there to work and serve the public they are there for status

Anonymous said...

Give notice to the public from now that the area is slated to become a 'NO VENDING ZONE' in the future...Be tough yet tende like both Eddie & Michael! Do the same @ UHWI area

Anonymous said...

The problem with this situation is that we have become lawless and out of control as a people, through poor leadership at every level, under every administration.
The Hawker and Peddlers licence issued under The Hawker and Peddlers Act of 1867 has been allowed to lack relevance. The fee of $2 for a Class 1 licence and $10 for a Class 2 licence cannot provide Public sanitary conveniences for the growing population of vendors.
The confiscation of good of "illegal Vendors". Where across Jamaica can you find Sanitary conveniences to use that are clean enough for humans? Very few places. Certainly not in many of the popular food vending locations. Some taxi drivers sleep in their cars on the streets in safe uptown communities while others stop to relieve themselves against walls and trees in residential communities.
Jamaica is known as the epicenter for prostate issues and we don't have adequate public facilities.
We have not forgotten that one Kingston MP built toilets in his constituency as humans were depositing there bodily waste in scandal bags and throwing those bags I to gullies in the community. In one community in the Papine area, residents from an "inner city" community would launch their bags of fieces into the yards of adjoining townhouse communities causing home owners to abandon ship (shi*). Politicians should come with solutions, not excuses for forcing people to jeopardize the livelihood of their families by taking such disgraceful action. Did anyone ever wonder where the vendors at this popular Crab Stop were relieving themselves?
There needs to be a campaign to rectify this disgraceful mess before the thought of it spreads to every Panchicken and jerkpork stop. The Mayor should not walk away. It is his moment to rectify the matter at every point in his city that needs the proper solution. Make the expenditure and recover the cost by selling Hawker and Peddlers licences at a modern price to keep the facilities clean and in operation.

Micspen said...

Jumaycan Kulcha or Jamaican Culture?

The use of the term Jamaican culture continues to be misunderstood and nasty up.

Jamaican Culture is the total way of life of the Jamaican people in the 14 parishes and the diaspora.

Every nastiness and vulgarity is defined as "Jumaycan kulcha".

Those aberrations of a nasty,vulgar,crass,murderous,
lying and noisy uncivilized sub set of behaviour does not represent accurately JAMAICAN CULTURE.

Our culture embodies the way we eat,cook,dance,sing,walk,run play,talk,
work,drive ,excel, study,our ethics,morality,manners,
decency from Negril Point to Morant Point

Every aspect of Jamaican life combined is embodied in positive concept of Jamaicas Culture.

Where else on the planet earth do people sing or dance to and celebrate murder and murderers.

Dancehall noise or music if it continues on that barbarous uncivilized trend will be rejected by the world as "Murder Music" .

Where are our intellectuals ,leaders of industry,media in an effort to elucidate,educate and not obfuscate.

Wake up Jamaica it cannot be that we are all FULLY DUNCE,MURDEROUS or FULLY NASTY CRABS IN A BARREL going full circle.

mics 🖊 pen

Anonymous said...

Mayor williams, I remembered what was done to the trees on King Street, and now this and other infractions. You are a neglectful leader and poor city manager. Goodbye Sir. 👋

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